Thursday, May 22, 2008

My life.

This is my life for the rest of the summer.  Four kids all 2 and under.  I am on day three now and actually I really like it!!  Phoenix and Sierra are my cousin Phil's kids and we tend them every day from 10:30-5.  They are such cute girls.  Zina loves having her friends come over everyday.  She thinks she is so lucky.  I really like having snack time, play time, story time, messy play time, dancing time etc. etc.  Yes, I am having fun with this.  I think when we move to Arizona and stop tending we are going to keep up the routine. 

All four kids just before lunch time.
Typical Wilson, eating his food and everyone elses. 
Phoenix pulling a cute, sad face.

Zina playing with the fun kitchen Aunt Andy brought us. The girls LOVE it!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Homemade fun is always best.

Last weekend was HOT!  It was a lot of fun.  Aunt Andy, Uncle Dale, McKenna & Garrett came down from Calgary to party at the farm.  We set up our sweet homemade water slide and played in the sun and water all day.  Zina got right into the water slide.  It was cute to watch.  She also played make believe with Garrett and Johnny  who are way older then she is.  I was glad they let her in on their games because she felt so grown up.  They would run around with their make believe guns and then call out, "It's safe, come on princess" and then Zina would run through.  Saying she LOVED it is the understatement of the year. 

Monday, May 12, 2008

Trip to the Fire Station

Last week we went to the fire station with a parent preschool group.  Zina loved it.  I think she mostly enjoyed climbing in and out of all the fire trucks and just being with all the other kids.  Zina is all about her friends.  In the middle of blessing the food she is always reminding whoever is saying it to, "bless mine friend Hannah, and mine friend Taley, and all the people."  I think it is also worthy to note that Wilson has gotten 4 teeth in the span of about a week and a half!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Zina loves to sing and it is getting really fun to put her to bed.  She sings all of the songs with me until slowly her little voice gets softer and softer and her eyes close and then I am singing by myself. I love it.