Thursday, February 26, 2009


My sister sent me this article about the economic crisis and the reshaping of the U.S cities.  It's an interesting read.  If you've got the time, give it a go.

A lot of you have asked if we bought our house.  The answer is no - we are just renting.  For some reason the banks don't see student loans as income... what??

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Where'd they go?

I feel like I havn't blogged in forever. I can't remember if that is true or not. Either way, here goes noth'n. The noth'n in our lives that makes it all worth it. (ha if you don't get that think harder... it's pretty deep) And this is why I try not to blog late at night when I should be asleep.

We had a few rainy days which I enjoyed so much.  We built a fire for family home evening and told stories while drinking hot chocolate.  
 Happy Belated Valentine's Day. 
This is my cookie bouquet. I like it.
Here are Zina and Adam and Wilson and Brenda's hand all helping to make the cookie bouquet. Yum.
I LOVE baking on rainy days.  It's so healing...therapeutic...calming...fulfilling...
Wilson seems to think it's fun too. :)

And then the rain left and the sun came back out and we were happy.

p.s.  we went swimming today.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Love it.

My mom just sent me this book with some Valentine gifts for Zina and Wilson. I love it. I havn't been able to put it down. If I could force you all to read it, I would. Go buy it and read it. Or borrow mine..when I'm done. Do it for them...(your kids duh) or future kids or nieces, nephews, grandkids...whatever.

Did I mention that my mom is the best mom ever? She is. She's a parent coach and knows her stuff. Not convinced. Read the reviews on Amazon.

Monday, February 2, 2009


I've seen other people do this and I like it because these are things I want to remember about when Zina was 3!  I think she'll enjoy the info when she's older too. :)

1. Zina is always talking in her own language (her version of Spanish).  
2 .She loves to tell me that I need to be obedient to HER.
3. She loves all things Princess.
4. She loves to make a deal.  I will tell her what needs to be done and then she will say, "well here is my deal," and proceed to tell me how she thinks it should be done.
5. She loves to play board games and put together puzzles.  She also has a great imagination.  I love to sit in the backyard and listen to her chatter to Wilson about their imaginary world.  Wilson is so dutiful to follow her lead and watch her.  She often says that she is, "such a good example."  Although sometimes when she does something wrong she blames it on Wilson and says, "But Wilson was being a bad example to me."  Smart girl. What can I say?
6. She LOVES to sing her primary songs.  She always yells at me from the backseat, "Turn it up Mom."  Her favorites are: "I lived in Heaven" and "Happy Family"
She even volunteered to give a talk in Primary right before we moved. I was so sad because we were going to our new ward that week so she never got to give it. What 3 year old volunteers to give a talk in primary!  Maybe I think that because I was such a shy three year old...right mom?
7. Zina is very friendly.  If she sees kids she will go up and say "Hi, My name is Zina and this is my little brother Wilson.  Want to play?"  The other night while watching Mark's basketball game at the school she started playing with a little girl who was at least six.  As I watched them I noticed that Zina was directing the play and telling the other little girl what to do and how to do it. Yes, she inherited my bossy gene.
8.We just got the kids bunkbeds and Zina loves her top bunk. Before we moved we were having issues with monsters and scared of the dark.  Since then, Zina has been perfectly fine, and felt perfectly safe in the Princess Castle. (Wilson's bottom bunk has been dubbed "the dragons lair... )
9.Whenever Zina says goodbye to anyone she always says, "I love you. I miss you. Bye."  Mark has told her multiple times that we reserve the "I love you, I miss you" part for very special people like family and close friends.  I think it's starting to sink in...maybe.
10. Zina loves to play with Mom or Dad.  When I make time to play with her, doing exactly what she wants to do, she always gets the biggest smile on her face.  Yesterday she looked up at me with a big grin and said, "This is mama time." 

I sure do love my Zina Zee!