Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Grateful for.

Some crazies that make me laugh and their awesome world of make believe.

Christmas and pine trees that make my house smell oh so wonderful.

This baby that fills me up.  Seriously.  It cannot be a bad day when he is smiling and cooing.  We have the best conversations.

 2mths old!

My 2yr old who likes to say "totally."
"I'm totawy done my food"
"I totawy don't wike that."
"Totawy mom"

Cold nights snuggled up with my baby & hubby and a roaring fire.

My quadruplets. 
 I love my blond haired, blue-eyed boys.
 This guy. Cuz he rocks a stressful day at work and then comes home and does the dishes.  
And holds the baby. :)

We may be passing around all kinds of viruses this Christmas season, we may still be waiting for that awesome snow fall, we may have made delicious egg nog cookies for our visiting teachees and then cancelled because of said viruses....
but life is good.
and so were the cookies.