Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Utah 5.13

Before we moved we took a 10 day Vacation to Utah.  It was so nice to get back the the spacious harsh beauty of the west.
We didn't tell the kids where we were going and told them to figure it out.  Haha.  That might have been pure torture. :)
Temple Trip with Grandma

Going camping and lov'n the mountains.

Can't go camping without puffed wheat squares!

Checking out the Johnson Family mine in the Ophir mountain range.

Mark cleaned out Grandma Judy's fridge.  All those bottles sure do remind us
of Grandpa Jay!
I think he's prepared!

Memorial Day at the Cemetary.

Hiking Rock Canyon.
It was overcast and misty.  Zina, Kate, and Wilson had fun singing the Misty Mountain song from the Hobbit.  It was really really beautiful!

We went on a double date with Liz (who came up to hangout from San Fransisco) and one of Mark's buddy's from Highschool.  It was super fun but for some reason this is the only picture I have of the evening!?

Mark ran 9 miles of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail.  I was super jealous!

Aunt Trisha showed us a cool braiding trick.

We got to be there when Uncle Travis got home from Afghanistan!

He just happened to get home the same day as another soldier.
But in a little different way.  We all went straight from the airport to the procession bringing home Pfc.  Cody Towse.  It was a sad and happy day.  

Canoeing at Payson Lakes. 
It was super cold at first, but by the time we left the kids were playing in the water.

Zina and Kate planned a party for us all AND made all the food for it. 
Here is their butterscotch pie! Yum.

And then we drove home.  Here we are in Denver.  The kids are still happy. :)

It took us about 28hrs to get home, but so worth it.  
about 5 days later Grandma Judy came to play/pack for a week and then the day after she left 
Grandma Nancy and Uncle Johnny came to play/pack.  They stayed for 2 weeks  to help with the unpacking and then we
were off to Canada with them for 3 weeks.
When we got home I had 1 week to get ready for Zina to start school on July 31st!
I'm still adjusting to that. 
I miss my Zina, but we felt like that was the right thing for us to do this year.
SO much to still blog about.
Maybe someday I'll get to the point where my posts are a little bit more informative. 