Saturday, November 9, 2013

Happy birthday Davey! And a train ride.

First off this little monkey turned 1!  We are so happy he is in our family.  He loves everyone and has a happy personality... Unless anyone he doesn't know is around - then he clings to me and cries a lot.  His birthday was rushed and crazy because we were leaving on the train early the next morning and these days are pretty much me single handedly orchestrating everything our little family does!  Anyways we did celebrate and a daveyjay needs a post all his own!
Here we are getting ready for a 30hr train ride to Salt Lake City!!

Train switch in Chicago 


New friends and more in Utah later!

Jumbled Fall

Fall is always a busy time of year and this time around has been no exception.  But it's been a happy busy.  So much is missing from here like Davey turned one!!! He started walking about a month before his birthday and fills our home with the joy that only sweet little people can.  I turned 31! Holy smokes.  We celebrated 9 yrs of marriage! Woot woot.  Mark got called into the Sunday school presidency and then the young men's presidency.  I am now the primary president.  Yikes!  Zina is still begrudgingly attending school but her teacher says she is an amazing little girl and deals so maturely with even the most difficult classmates.  Mark and I laughed and said "it's because she has 3 little brothers!!"  We are loving the changing leaves and cooler temps.  Wilson begs to do school everyday because he knows when he is done he can play the iPad for 20 minutes.  :). Sammy is sure to let us know if he is not getting enough attention by karate chopping Davey.  Sigh.  He is such an intense little person!! Here are some pictures of Fall 2013!

Crazy tie day at school and staining the deck with lots of little helpers.

Indy children's museum 
Queen amidala
Rafael tmnt
Darth maul
Indy children's museum

Downtown indy on my birthday.