Tuesday, June 19, 2018

To plant is to believe in tomorrow.

The last couple of weeks have been a little crazy at our house.   Since the nice weather has hit we decided to redo the entire yard.  Our yard is an acre so this is no small feat.  We enlisted the help of Uncle Mark and Grandma a couple times which helped so much!  Mark killed all the grass and we've been plowing, tilling, smoothing dirt ever since.  Ripping out old juniper bushes, concrete, 12 rotting aspen trees, planting a giant garden and digging up an insane amount of roots in the someday to be lawn.  We've been trying to get it all done before we leave on our 2 weeks of reunioning.  But the Lord in his infinite wisdom sent us a rainy day on Saturday.  I was so grateful.   We woke up and took some family names to the temple that I had been working on.  This was the first couple that I had completed all the ordinances for (albeit in a backward manner.... I'm still learning!).  I've been to the temple loads of times, but I can testify that the power I felt from helping family receive their covenants, while keeping mine was tangible.  I'm so grateful for the temple.  I'm grateful that in the midst of hard, exhausting (but good) work, and in my busy pregnant life I can go and be filled with power, and joy, and humility, and happiness in the temple.  Pure Joy.  Deep Joy.  Down to the deepest parts of me.  

On another note.  We found out yesterday that we are having a GIRL!!  No one was more surprised than me.  I thought for sure it was a boy.  But I am so excited to have another baby girl.  Our little Sarah has filled our home with so much brightness I can't wait to see what this next little personality will be like.  I'm excited to decorate their little room in pink. (Sarah's orders).  Everyone was excited except my Sam who declared that he didn't like my belly anymore.  He was so disappointed.  But I'm pretty sure he will adore this baby just as much as he adores his Sarah.  He's been having the hardest time with his grouchy pregnant mama.  Sometimes being the middle child is rough!