Sunday, November 16, 2008

Give Thanks

Dear Mark,
Thank you for making breakfast.
Thank you for getting the kids ready for church.
Thank you for taking the kids to church.
Thank you for making lunch.
Thank you for patiently handling both bawling children.
Thank you for soothing Wilson after he threw up all over you - twice.
Thank you for cleaning up the spilled applesauce.
Thank you for cleaning up the spilled sugar.
Thank you for cleaning up the spewed throw up.
Thank you for making dinner.
Thank you for calmly and lovingly taking care of us today.
I have the most amazing husband in the world.
Thanks for being you.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Last week during Mark's finals the kids and I took off for Canada. We found $29 flights that we just couldn't pass up! While we missed Mark ALOT we sure did have ALOT of fun!

And now just when the fun with Mark is about to begin we have a yucky flu bug. Bleh. Hopefully it's only 24 hours so the party can begin!