Monday, July 28, 2008

How Could I forget?

Goodness.  I've forgotten or maybe been to lazy or to busy making it all happen to post about Mark's adventures this past week and my own in about 2 weeks.  Mark finished work here last week and headed down to Rexburg where he loaded all our stuff up and moved it to Glendale AZ.  Yep, it's true.  We are officially moved to Arizona - except our personal selves so maybe only sort of officially. Here's a shout out to Kellen, Erin, Briggs, & Alyssa for letting us in on the moving expedition.  It made it so much easier on Mark.  After moving Mark flew to Utah on Sat. and then this morning he flew to (drum roll please) PANAMA!  He has been dreaming about this day since he came home the first time.  He called a couple of hours ago to let me know he was there and he sounded pretty excited.  He was met at the airport by a good Panamanian friend Luis Prado and his MTC companion, Nate,  was flying in a few hours later.  I think that Nate and Mark will be having a LOT of fun for the next 3 weeks.  I am flying out for 5 days at the end of Mark's three weeks.  I'm hoping for some sandy beaches, some sweet mangos, coconuts, and avocados!  Oh ya, and it will be nice to see my sweetheart again. :)  

A little taste of Panama.
In a few weeks I'll post some of my own pics. 
Our apartment complex in Glendale.  
Hopefully for only 6 months.  We'd really like to buy a house once we get down there.  Everyone cross your fingers for us. :)

Comings & Goings

A lazy summer day at Ridge Park.

Family. Hurray!

We had a great time with everyone that came to visit.  Matt and Michelle were here from Edmonton and Todd, Lauri, & kids came out from Vancouver.  We had a family photo shoot since Mark will be leaving on his mission and then Adam on his mission so who knows how long it will be until we are all together again.  It was unbelievably fun to have everyone here.  Zina absolutely adored her cousins and was often caught teasing Liam by stealing the sheep from the Little People Farm.  Just a warning - there are lots of pictures to follow!

Matt & Michelle
Todd, Liam, Jacob, Camden, Lauri

Attena & Wilson...competing at something?
And here he is again.. I guess he won. 

Thomas Family Summer 2008

Wilson and Camden discussing tractor logistics...?
Liam contemplating how to stay in this heavenly spot forever.
Jacob & Uncle Mark atop an old Pivot head.

My little sister Attena. She's so cute!
Here we are again with in front of a barley field.
Keeler Family Summer 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Two Toddlers!

Wilson is officially walking everywhere. He started about 2-3 weeks ago walking from person to person and then last week he just took off. He doesn't crawl anywhere anymore and is so happy to walking like everyone else!

Friday, July 11, 2008

And I am officially caught up. Congratulations to me. :)

Wall Lake


Last weekend we headed back up to Waterton for some hiking.  We ate lunch at Cameron Lake and then headed up to Wall.  Wall lake is one of my favorite hikes.  It is absolutely breathtaking when you reach the lake and it is a fun day hike. 


And yes, we hauled both kids all the way there and all they way back. We are crazy.  7.4 miles later we were wondering if we should invest in some kiddo backpacks. Go figure.

July First

I have now experienced July first from both ends.  A Canadian waiting for the Americans to come double the town's population, and get started with reunions, parades etc. and an American coming to enjoy small town Raymond, family and festivities.  Which is better? Well, my opinion might be biased since I was raised this way but I like it from the Canada side.  It's amazing to live in this little podunk town all year long without anything happening and then see it's transformation on July 1st weekend.  The anticipation in town is almost tangible. 
I love it.  
It was so fun to see Mark's side of the family and hang out bbq'n at Uncle Denny & Aunt Kay's. Good food (Dionne's baked beans were to die for), good company (even the Hutterites couldn't resist the party out back!), lots of laughs, music, dancing, (Uncle Denny has got some sweet moves) all made this years July 1st one for the records.  We had fun visiting with the McInelly clan at Grandpa Bill's & I really loved meeting some new Canadian Rolfson cousins that I hadn't met before.  It gave me this weird feeling that my little family was soon to be the American side coming up to visit them - the Canadian side.  Huh.  I still feel weird about that.  It made me wonder if I would ever feel American.  Maybe in forty years.

Zina had been counting down the weeks until Kate arrived.  
She was beyond excited.
Marilyn keeping the kiddos happy.
Kate, Zina, & Wade
Randy and Dionne show'n everybody up.

Uncle Denny bust'n a guitar move.
Zina and Kate doing the twist & holding hands 
 (which I think they did the whole time Kate was here.)
Wilson was all over the candy that Zina got from the parade.
I bought the kids Canada shirts and, unintentionally, wore white - Oh Canada!
 Mark, thought I was making a statement.  He borrowed a shirt from my brother just to ensure that we were in red, white & blue. :)
The Thomas Clan. Raymond Parade.  July 1, 2008
Traditional July 2nd trip to Waterton. We love ICECREAM!

Hiking to Akamina lake.  The kids + Trisha had fun wading through the creek.  
It was about 7 p.m. but absolutely gorgeous out.
Cameron Lake
Kate and Zina on the Prince of Wales Hotel overlook.

Camping at Crandall

We love to go to Waterton in the summer, and we started this year off by camping at Crandall Campground. It was so beautiful and lots of fun. The kids did great in a tent and sleeping bags.

After we set up camp we hiked to Crandall lake.  This part the kids weren't so great at.  We pretty much hauled them up and hauled them down.  Good thing it's a nice short hike. 

We also hiked to Blakiston Falls. It was beautiful.  I love hiking with my family.  They sing and laugh all the way up the trail.  

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I just loved this pictures of Wilson. He is getting to be SO much fun. He has the happiest cutest little personality. He is also a very determined little boy. The last couple of days he has started walking everywhere and throwing little fits when he doesn't get what he wants. The funny part is that he'll start his fit and then stop to make sure we are watching and then continue. Last night my mom and Liz were laughing at him during a fit and so he started throwing it for attention...with no noise. It was hilarious.