Sunday, March 23, 2008


Mark and Adam soaking in the limelight.

This is what happens when I don't get enough sleep at night. I'm losing my brains, and I keep saying I want more kids. What am I thinking!!!

Zina bowling at the Keeler Easter party.

This is a classic Zina face. She is a girl full of expressions and the finger up means that she is telling everybody how it is or how it should be or what they should do...NOW!

Here is my sweet Wilson. He is so cherubic. He loves to talk and sing especially when anybody else is (like in the middle of sacrament meeting). It's really cute and noisy. :)

Here we are at the annual Easter Egg Roll. Aunt Michelle and Zina are searching the bottom of the hill for unbroken eggs to roll down again. Zina loved rolling the eggs and threw all of them down as fast as she possibly could.

Wilson and Uncle Matt observing the Easter festivities.


So this might be an overload of pictures but I have decided to start treating this blog like a family journal/scrapbook to document our lives and I have a lot of catching up to do!! Also in Sunday school we learned that this generation is going to be the least documented because most things are done on the computer and then deleted so I would like to find a way to get hard copies of our blog...any ideas? Well here goes the last couple of days.

Here we just leaving for church on Easter Sunday. It's not very often we are all ready with time to spare for a picture - but here it is!

Easter Dinner
For some reason today had me thinking a lot about last easter spent in Alaska. I love Easter because of the sweet spirit that comes when we celebrate the birth and life of the Savior. Whether we are with family or thousands of miles away without family but surrounded by friends that sweet spirit is always there because He Lives!

Monday, March 17, 2008

"Yearning For the Living God"

My family has been talking about this book for a long time. My parents sent their copy to my sister who has been living in Germany so Mark and I had to borrow my grandparents copy. We have both been reading it at the same time and have been amazed at the experiences and the examples of the people within it's pages. Elder Busche is German and experienced World War II as a young boy. His experiences during the war, his conversion, and his call to serve as a general authority are truly amazing as are the stories that he tells about the people he has met along the way. It really has changed the way I percieve my relationship with Heavenly Father and the communication that is possible with Him through the Holy Spirit. I recommend this book to everyone. Read it!

Medical School

So I have to start out by saying how proud I am of Mark. His hard work and motivation are an example to me daily and in the past few months have proven successful. Out of the five medical schools that he interviewed at guess how many accepted him... 5!!! We had a choice between Des Moines Iowa, Kirksville MO, Las Vegas Nevada and two schools in Arizona. The choice was definately a tough one but in the end, after a lot of prayer and searching, we have decided to go Midwestern University in Glendale Arizona. We feel so blessed to know that the Lord is watching over us and has given us talents and means to help us raise a family and build his kingdom. We are so excited for what awaits us in Arizona!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Two Peas in a Pod

As they both get older it is really fun to see Zina and Wilson interact. Wilson adores his older sister and always has a ready grin for all her funny antics. Zina is a great helper. After she steals Wilson's toys she always makes sure she finds him something else to play with so he won't cry. She loves to sing to him and take care of him if he is unhappy. We love you Zina and Wilson.

Zina Shenanigans

Zina is getting very adamant about what she wears. Her new thing is wearing princess dresses so that she can dance and dance and dance. I might have to go find her some that I will let her wear as play dresses because wearing her sunday dresses all over the place is getting a little out of hand as you can tell from the pictures.


Wilson is soooo close to crawling. It is getting rather painful to watch. Here is a little glimpse...

Oops, not quite.

Not very happy about it.