Thursday, January 19, 2012

Favorite Places

  It rained all last night and when we woke up this morning it was just...springish.  On January 19th?  Hey, I'll take it when I can get it especially when hometown Canada is pretty much Antarctica.  After Zina got home from school we got all the essentials out of the way like snacks, piano, snacks, fighting, snacks etc.  and headed to one of our favorite places around here - the river bottom trail.  It felt SO awesome to be outside.  The kids (well Zina and Wilson - Sam slept the whole time) got their hearts pumping and it was really beautiful and wonderful.  Just one of those moments where it is so great to be alive and healthy and with the ones you love and surrounded by God's beauty.  I got some fun experimenting done with my new camera too so sorry if this is to many pictures.  :)

 They found a puddle of melting ice/snow and we spent the next 10 minutes playing it. 

 Then we found an ice patch and 
Super Wilson was trying his hardest to jump and crack no avail.

 Totally zonked.
 I love the mountains.  Sure wish I knew how to work my camera so they were clearer. :) 
Aperture to low?
 Still working on that ice patch.

 Did I mention we love the river bottom trails?

Girls night + Sam

Jan 15, 2012
Mark and his brothers, Joel and Travis, went to to BYU game last night.  They decided to make it a boys night by taking the 3 little boys Wilson, Lincoln, and Wade.   The little guys were SO excited.  Mark said Wilson and Lincoln didn't stop moving the entire game - climbing up and over and around.  I told him maybe next time they should fore go the pop and the cotton candy. :)

Since the guys were going out we decided to head out for a girls night so Liz and I took Zina and Kate to the River Woods mall and had a bite to eat then hit up the bowling alley at Provo Beach Resort.  Zina was really excited at first until about round 5.  Then she got bored and let Kate bowl the rest of her rounds.  Kate LOVED it and won the entire thing.  Sammy also loved it which was adorable.  He would lug those heavy balls over and then drop them (surprised no one got hurt) down the alley and stand there with wide eyes going, "uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh.....YEAH!!"  when the ball hit the pins.   He could have bowled all night.  :)  We did some window shopping and walked through Blickenstaffs (a toy shop)  and then met the boys at home for oreos and ice cream.  Mark built a fire and the kids ran through the house like a whirl wind - to much sugar!  Marilyn and Trisha showed up after their night out at Happy Sumo's and the adults visited around the fire.  It was a fun little night, but I think next time I will take Wilson bowling. I've got a feeling he would love it. :)

 Love the look on this big boys face.
Where did my baby go?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

No Place Like Home - Bring it on 2012!!

Did I mention I love being home?  Here's a bit of an explanation.

BYU basketball games

Snow forts and snow 
ball fights.


Games & play dough
 the trampoline
 and beautiful weather.

I love my little family.  I feel so lucky to be able to spend 2012 with them!