Monday, December 3, 2007

Messy Play

Grandma gives us all kinds of fun ideas and Zina loves them all. Talk about a sensory experience!! The first one is shaving cream and as you can tell it usually gets a little out of hand. The second one is mixing colors. Zina likes to dump all of the water into one cup creating a lovely booger green color and then she stacks all the cups. We need to find something else to mix colors in because last time we did this the stack of cups tipped over and one of them broke. Oops.


The Lowry's said...

If I get brave maybe I will let Jaycie try one of those. I think I will try the water one first...Seems like easier cleanup than shaving cream. Hey did you get your background paper from Shabby Princess? Just random odd question. You are such a good mom.

britni jean said...

what a lucky girl zina is to have a mom like you becca. how fun! i like your tree!