Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A little bit of mischief

Zina loves to check our garden to see if there is anything growing.  When we told her we needed to protect the tomatoes from the birds she was adamant that we make  scarecrow.  We had a lot of fun making it and when he was done she promptly named him Wilson.  I told her he would have to be Wilson the II.  The other pictures are just a little bit of mischief the kids have been up too.  I need to add Zina's artwork that is all over her dresser and walls, but I haven't taken pictures of it yet.  I think my favorite is Zina doing Wilson's makeup.  That one really made me laugh!

1 comment:

Criscell said...

I'm so sorry about Mark's nephew. How incredibly sad.

Someone's getting into digital looks so cute! You'll have to teach me how!