Monday, December 13, 2010

The single life.

Well, I am counting down the days until Mark's first away rotation is over.  While it hasn't been that bad, it hasn't been that great either.  Sometimes it's fun to do hard things.  Especially when you are somewhat successful and can give yourself a pat on the back and say, "Hey I really am super mom."  Or you could just say a quick prayer of thanks for all the angels that must have been helping you along the way.   At night before I fall asleep I've started thinking about all the things I did right, because really there is just no point in falling asleep thinking about all the things I did wrong.  Let's try to block out the little 5 yr old voice that asked, "Momma, why are you being so impatient?"  and focus on the little 5yr old voice that said, "And Momma will be the queen.  She's the nicest goodest queen in all the land." Lucky for us Tuscon isn't that far way and Mark has had 1 day a week off.  Which is almost torture really, but we'll take it.   On one of those days off we put up the Christmas tree.

And went for bike rides
Under a beautiful sunset

And on those days without our dad we found other forms of entertainment.
Like doing each others hair...

And getting everyone ready for church on time and arriving early!
And having sleep overs in mama's room.
And being grateful for each other. Seriously. I love these three.


britni jean said...

becca, you are a great mom! i hope mark gets to come home soon!

Bri said...

You really are such an inspiration to me! I had such a terrible day today and felt like such a bad mom...and here you are doing it 6 days a week all by yourself, I want to enjoy these moments more, but sometimes it is so hard! I hope you continue to enjoy your time and continue to be an inspiration to me!!

veryterry said...

I love your posts, Becca. Not only do I get to see adorable kids and creative ideas, you also help me remember the joys of motherhood and to not be too hard on myself. I don't know how you wives of medical students do it! Your post made me think of a sweet song I've recently discovered since Lisa has become very interested in old musicals. Maybe you've heard it before.

Rachel Chick said...

Man, you make beautiful children! So cute. I'm so glad that you've been able to focus on the good things. Sometimes that's hard. Your kids are so lucky to have such an "impatient" :) mom. :)