Saturday, November 9, 2013

Happy birthday Davey! And a train ride.

First off this little monkey turned 1!  We are so happy he is in our family.  He loves everyone and has a happy personality... Unless anyone he doesn't know is around - then he clings to me and cries a lot.  His birthday was rushed and crazy because we were leaving on the train early the next morning and these days are pretty much me single handedly orchestrating everything our little family does!  Anyways we did celebrate and a daveyjay needs a post all his own!
Here we are getting ready for a 30hr train ride to Salt Lake City!!

Train switch in Chicago 


New friends and more in Utah later!


Rachel Chick said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I've wanted to take a long-distance train ride FOREVER!!! Was it fun? Was it cheaper than flying? Was it wonderful? Did all the other people on the train hate you because you make loud kids? (Not saying your kids are loud . . . that was a question purely for my own children . . . :) )

Brooke said...

You guys rock at trips. I didn't even know that you could ride a train through the middle of the country like that. I want to hear more! Also, your kids are getting so big!