Saturday, February 23, 2008

Yellow Boots

Here is Zina showing off her new boots. I was saving them for easter but it was warm enough that there were a few puddles out and I couldn't help but let her go puddle jumping. She is turning into quite the character. She loves to sing what she calls her, "favowit pwincess cindewewa song." She will sing the "I know you" song off of sleeping beauty over and over. Then she informs us that Attena is her true love. It's pretty funny. Her dad keeps trying to convince her that he is her true love, but she always says, "No! Tena's my twoo wove."

Other exciting news is that Mark has been accepted to A.T Still University in Kirksville, MO. He was one more university to interview at and we are waiting to hear back from a few others before we decide. We are so excited!


veryterry said...

Those are some great boots! Believe it or not we've been getting some pretty nice puddles around here too, but that doesn't mean it isn't still FREEZING outside! Sheila and I actually shivered outside together with Lydia and Lisa the other day for awhile. Wish you guys were here to play. Glad to hear things are going well. Lisa has been cracking me up lately too with the things she says and sings. She likes to call me Susanna now and she'll just sing my name over and over. It's amazing how much their character can develop over night. So much fun.

Heidi Michelle said...

you tell Zina that she pulls yellow boots off very well. Extremely chik! (sp?) YOu are missing some crazy weather here in Rexburg though. It can't make up it's mind whether it wants to heat up, snow some more, so get cold. Kind of eennoying! Oh well, I'll survive!

britni jean said...

love the boots! such a cute litte zina, i love her walk! also, dalia LOVES stomping in puddles too(well she loves stomping in general), but anytime she sees water, there she is stomping in it! we are interested to see where you will be going.

munyer jerk chicken said...

hey becca! long time, huh? it's basketball season for jacob and that means no fun computer time for bere. so sad. it ends this weekend though... finally! i will be re-entering the blog world soon. zina looks like such a big girl! i love the picture of her in the air. kortney nelson and i went on a walk today (the same one that you and i did only one time ;) i bought spikes for my shoes... very helpful on those treacherous roads. we had puddles last week, but they are turned into skating rinks again!
say hi to your family!

Rachel Chick said...

how exciting! so close to knowing what you're doing with yourselves! good luck! I love your pictures! You kids are adorable! Zina seems like quite the little firecracker!