A few thoughts from the last few days.
Before we moved from Canada I would have moments of panic. I had gotten really used to having Johnny, Attena, Adam, Mark, Liz, Grandma, & Grandpa ALL around to help play and keep the kiddos happy. I was worried about handling it all on my own again. Since then I have had some sweet moments that have reminded me how much I love being a Mom. Excuse the example - but Wilson has had a bit of the runs lately and last night he was getting a bad rash and woke up it seemed like every hour. I changed him twice in the night and then 5am he woke up crying again. Part of me was groggy and grumpy but the other part didn't care at all. When I put him in the cool bathwater at 5:00 I got a big sweet toothy grin and it was the best feeling in the world. I sat there playing with him while he giggled and splashed. I was overcome with the greatness of motherhood. I don't really know how to put into words how thankful I am that I get to have the best job in the world. That little toothy grin was just the tender mercy I needed.