Friday, November 20, 2009

Puerto Penasco, Mexico

Mark and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary in October, but Mark's TWO week break for Thanksgiving started last week. So for that 5 year anniversary we headed down to Mexico for a little relaxation. Thanks Mom & Adam for being the best babysitters ever!

We stayed at the Sonoran Spa Resort and pretty much had the whole place to ourselves since it is off-peak season. Which also meant that a few restaurants weren't open but since the hotel "room" included a kitchen, bedroom, and living room, we headed to the local Ley's grocery store and made our own yummy breakfasts every morning.
Look at all those tourists on the beach with us. Oh ya, there weren't any. It actually took a little getting used to. All those big resorts and no one there. It was a little eerie at first.

Mark loves the Ocean. It might be his first love - along with me, mexican food, and football.

I have to admit. I have a hard time doing foreign. It takes me a while to adjust (especially when I'm pregnant). I just worry about everything! Safe drinking water, getting the car stolen, swine flu. Our first night there our waiter is chatting with us and says, "I spent all morning taking care of my 11mth old son who as the flu." Sweet. Just what I wanted to hear. Although, I'm pretty sure we have just as good a chance catching the flu in Arizona. :)
I felt like a did a relatively good job of squelching my worries and relaxing and enjoying my sweet honey, the beach, the sun, and no kids.
We are definatly going back with the kids though. They would LOVE it. I say we all go during next term break. Any takers Arizona friends?
Here is your first belly shot. Taken at 2o weeks. Half-way there!
Thanks for the great trip Mark. I love you!

P.S. When we got home we walked in the house and called for our kids. The response from both kids was, "what?"
I think that must be a sign of good babysitters. :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Last night Mark came home for dinner around 5:30. Since it is finals week we had Family Home Evening Sunday night so that Mark could study. After dinner he said we could have him until 7pm. We were so excited! We spent an hour playing hide and seek (it really is a lot of fun). Towards 7pm after I had found Zina and we were looking for Mark and Wilson, Zina said to me, "I know just where they are. If you look all over the place & you missed somewhere THAT'S where they are!!"

Every night Zina makes us close her closet doors. One night Mark asked her why and she replied, "I'm just scared of the things that aren't real in there."

Love that girl.

On a side note check out my rain gutter bookshelf. I LOVE it. I actually put up another one on the other side of the craft drawers. No more clutter on the playroom floor and all the coloring books are easy access for my cute kiddos! Thank you blog world for the fabulous idea. I totally recommend this cheap alternative.
p.s. If you can't tell the picture of Zina is a self-portrait. Did I mention I love her. She is tender, bossy, sensitive, giggly, opinionated, and SWEET!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Phantom of the Opera

On thursday Mark took me out for my birthday present to the Phantom of the Opera. I have loved Phantom since I was 12 and my Grandma gave us tickets to go see it in Calgary. I love the Hollywood version that came out on DVD and I was a little worried that I wouldn't like this one because of both of those reasons. Sometimes when we see or do things when we are kids we have a different perspective and then when we see it again as adults it just isn't as magical. Anyways, I still love it. I love watching people who have worked so hard to be or do something. Obviously you have to be a pretty amazing singer to be on Broadway and they were! It was really inspiring. I feel the same inspiration when I watch the olympics. They have just worked SO hard to be where they are at. I guess that is how life is. You have to WORK to achieve great things!
Me and my honey.
He always comes up with the sweetest ideas for gifts that always mean a lot to me, which I love, but it's kind of hard to keep up when it's his turn!