Monday, January 17, 2011

Sam - 9mths

So last week Sam turned 9mths old.  I took him into the Dr. for his check up and whadyaknow - he's as small as we thought he was - except for his head.
HC: 18.5
Inches: 28.25
Pounds: 16.8

He's in about the 3rd percentile for weight and the dr. wanted me to bring him back in in a month to check his stats again.  I've been feeding him like crazy. :)

Developmentally, of course, he's doing fabulous.  He has been pulling himself up to furniture and walking around it for a while now and sometimes he will even let go and stand by himself before plopping down onto his bum.  He has developed a very high, very loud scream when he is getting ignored or when he wants something.  Seriously, it's ear splitting.
He is working on his 8th tooth and has the toothiest grin ever.  I love it.  Something that both my boys had at an early age is a big toothy grin.  He still refuses to let me feed him (minus nursing of course which we both still love - even with all those teeth).  Anytime I try he just shakes his head and refuses to open his mouth.  He loves waffles and yogurt and avocados and pretty much anything that we are eating.  He loves to imitate what he hears, especially growling.  Which happens to be my favorite also. :)  He can say Mama, wave bye bye and loves to raise his hands over his head when we say, "How big is Sam today?  SO big!"  All of us have been having such a fun time watching this little boy grow up.  It was been especially rewarding to watch the other two love and help Sam along.  We sure love you Sam!


Rachael Spencer said...

Sam IS so big! And thanks for letting me join your blog-admirers, Becca! I love your blog, I love your kids, and I think you are an incredible mom and a very fun writer. And I love your pics too. I wish we could have seen you at Christmas time but we were having our own crazy times.
I am also very jealous of the scenery outside your house right now. :-)

Brownies said...

Were those pictures of Zina I saw on the OhSoSassy Etsy shop page? Super cute.

Tiffany said...

why is sam so ridiculously cute?!