Monday, April 30, 2012

Grandpa Jay

Well, I finally have a minute/desire to sit down and post a few things and catch up.  I feel like January-March was a blur of morning sickness and tiredness that I don't want to remember.  We were all in survival mode.  We were gone for pretty much all of April and now it is time to get into the full swing of moving.  So much to do, but here is an attempt to document some of March.  Mostly Grandpa Jay's funeral that I didn't really get a chance to journal about like I wanted to.

 Even though we knew that Jay's illness was terminal it was still a shocker to get that phone call saying how far the disease had progressed.  The couple of months we thought we had turned into a couple of days.  We all headed up to the Huntsman center for an evening with Grandpa.  All the siblings stayed and spent the night there.  I drove home with the kids and caravaning with Angela and Brett in the worst snow storm of my life.  It took us 3 hours to get from Salt Lake to Spanish Fork!!

That was Thursday night.  On Friday Mark drove his dad home from the Huntsman.  Jay just wanted to be home and we were happy to have him there.  He had spent 19 days (I think) in the Huntsman and it was so good for everyone to have him home.  The Relief Society brought food Sat. and Sunday and we were able to just enjoy being together.  There was a steady stream of people coming to see Jay which everyone enjoyed.  For me this part was stressful.  For most of Jay's illness he had seemed relatively well -  he had just been himself and been able to do things for himself.  It was hard to watch him be so ill that he couldn't even stand or do anything at all - most times he couldn't carry on conversations.  It was just really hard for me and probably everyone to see him like that.

 Captured moments of the weekend together.

 Some very stressful, yet tender moments of taking care of dad.

 The little kids enjoyed playing together for a week straight.  
Piper is "reading" Sammy his train books.

 We got Grandpa all set up by the window where the sun was shining in and in his favorite chair from downstairs.
Joel & Travis
 Seating space is limited so enjoy the brotherly love. :)
I was impressed they fit. :)

Wilson, Kate, Piper.
 Playing in Grandpa's wheelchair.
 Zina playing card games with Uncle Brett.
 lots more tender moments with Dad.
 All the Fromm's came to visit Sat. or Sun. night ( I can't remember) and miraculously Grandpa felt good enough to pull out his ukulele and sing a few tunes. 
 Judy asked me to take some pictures of Jay's hands since they were one of her favorite things about Jay - always so strong and able.
 exhausted together
 Grandpa sat by the front window for a while and watched
everyone play some traditional dunk ball.  That was after they took him around the block in his wheelchair - as the family walked along he started singing "76 Trombones."
Typical Grandpa - always singing something!

 Mark had been sleeping at his parents ever since they brought his dad home from the Huntsman - helping his mom regulate drugs so his dad could be comfortable etc.  But Sunday night he decided to sleep at home.  Monday morning at about 3:30 he got that phone call. For the last 5yrs every time his mom called he would wonder if it was "that" phone call.   Mark left immediately and I brought the kids shortly after.
 They crashed anywhere we could find room on Grandma's floor.
 I have never been so close to death before, but we couldn't have planned this better.  It was such a blessing for all 8 kids to be there and it was really very peaceful - to be gathered as a family for such a sacred event.  On Sunday we had Sacrament meeting at Grandma's home.  The Elder's brought the Sacrament and we had a family testimony meeting.  Grandpa had said the closing prayer - another tender mercy.  I feel like the Thomas' are becoming veterans at funerals and dealing with death.  There is always lots of laughter, tears, and family togetherness.

 Kate 7, Ellie 7, Zina 6

The pictures from here down were taken by a close family friend who is an excellent photographer, Wade Haskell.

 Before the viewing there was a Broken Arrow ceremony since Grandpa was part of the scouting Order of the Arrow. 
I'm pretty sure he loved watching this ceremony.  It was pretty cool.

 Lee, Mark, Wells.
 Pieces of Grandpa Jay.

 Wells, Lee, Trisha, Travis, Grandma Judy, Jessa, Joel, Marilyn, Mark

The funeral was beautiful and exhausting.  It had been a long emotional week.
But I really felt strongly that Grandpa's life was just beginning. 
Sometimes we get so caught up in this life and while it is important - 
I think the next life is where we really start living.  And depending on how we spent our time here on earth influences how much we can live it up over there. :)
I'm pretty sure Grandpa is liv'n it up - finding joy in being reunited with loved ones and joy in the service the gospel can bring on both sides of the veil.
We sure miss him and can't wait until we can be with him again.
We love you Grandpa Jay!


Brooke said...

Becca these are great pictures. I'm so glad you were able to spend so much time with family this past time!t year. This was a great post. I hope we get to see you around graduation time!

Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

Oh Bec, what a wonderful post. My heart was breaking for you and your family just reading it. I'm so glad you married into such a big loving family.

Rachel Chick said...

So sorry for your loss - all of you. I'm so thankful for the knowledge we have and for the blessings of the temple. I loved reading this post. What a beautiful family Mark has.