Sunday, September 30, 2012

Where did September go?

September went by way to fast.  Other than really not wanting to deal with the uncomfortableness and pains of pregnancy anymore I haven't really been in a hurry to get this baby here.  I am happy for him to come when he is ready and life this month has been for the most part rather peaceful.  It might have something to do with my practically perfect husband who has done more than his fare share of dishes and tending lately.  Last night I got home from the General R.S. broadcast (our ward ordered Olive Garden for dinner before hand at the stake center and then had the broadcast - fun night!)  anyways, when I got home the house was spotless (including the bathroom!!)  the last load of laundry was in the dryer, the kids were asleep and Mark was enjoying a bit of college football.  I told him I wasn't sure I deserved all of that!! (he may have agreed - haha).  I snuggled up to him and watched the game until halftime.  

I have been enjoying home school also.  I hate having other people (like the school bus) dictate my schedule to me.  I love waking up in the morning, getting a yummy breakfast on and having morning school with the kids after they are done their morning chores.  There is no rush to make it to the bus on time and no nagging at the kids because they are going to be late. 
(although this has been a work in progress for me to relax and just let the day flow)

I love our "morning" school of learning primary songs, reading the scriptures and family prayers.  Then the kids check their charts and start on their school work.  
Obviously some days are better than others and we are still learning. 
But we are having fun doing the learning. :)

Zina did request that we do more art.  It is her favorite subject. :)

Every wed. we go to the Residency med mates play group.  We love this group.  They do fun things and help us get out of the house.  Here we are at Verhages Apple farm going on a hay ride around the orchards.  Then we had donuts and apple cider.

The fall leaves are slowly starting to appear.  We LOVE them!

And of course we can't complain that Mark's endocrine schedule has been with an older Dr. who doesn't work that much anymore.  He worked 2 full days and 2 half days. That's IT!  And he had every weekend off.  Glorious.  Here the kids are attacking the "pillow monster."

Along with crisp mornings and evenings, and a few rainy days we have had some beautiful sunny afternoons.  Greg came over to wash his car before trading it in and it turned into a big party!  The kids loved helping Mark scrub down the vehicles.  
(I think they (the kids and the cars) were maybe dirtier after the fact, but it's all about the memories right?)

 I may have supervised instead of helping - and tried to find some fall leaves in our trees. 

Soccer season has officially started, but these are the unofficial soccer pictures.  On top of the community league that they are both in Zina and Wilson spend hours outside playing soccer together.
On the condition that Mark and I are outside reffing.  Otherwise things get a little (or a LOT) to heated. :)

I LOVE the looks of happiness (and competitiveness) on their faces.  Half the time they are running around giggling because they are enjoying each other so much.  (unless of course the ref isn't there - then they are yelling at each other)

 Mark made them soccer nets out of PVC pipes and bird netting when we lived in Utah.  He was worried that it wasn't worth it at the time, but they have been SO worth it.  The kids LOVE to play soccer in the backyard.

One of these days I'll get the official soccer pictures up.
But for now I am very grateful for a peaceful, happy September.  I'm grateful for cooler weather, red, yellow, and orange leaves, pumpkins, golden sunlight, craft night with some fabulous women, upcoming general conference, an amazing husband, and sweet sweet children.
So excited to meet our new little bundle. 
whenever he is ready to make his debut into this beautiful world.

1 comment:

Bri said...

What a fun (and relaxing) post. I heard little David Jay decided to come early!!! What a pleasant surprise. I hope everything went well and that you can post lots and lots of pictures soon!!