Sunday, January 18, 2015

Christmas 2014

I can't seem to find my pictures of us finding our perfect tree this year.  Either way we had fun doing our "modified" tradition of cutting down our own tree.  Modified because there just aren't any beautiful snow capped mountains to drive up in here so a local tree farm had to suffice.  We still had a lovely time running around in the cold wind and I took a million pictures so....not sure where they went. :/ 
But it was a prickly tree so we had to fortify ourselves with hats and gloves in order to decorate. :)

And a cute random photo of Davey's modeling career.

Another of my favorite Christmas traditions is caroling.  I love caroling.  My memories of caroling with my Mom, Dad, Brothers and Sisters are so so sweet.  Trying to do that with 4 young kids is like...well singing a duet with your husband.  :) So we organized with the missionaries and invited the whole ward.  We had 3 groups who went out and caroled and delivered treats and pass along cards to 15 investigators, new converts, or just people we felt would be uplifted.  Then everyone came to our house for hot chocolate after.  This is the only picture of the night.  I sure do love my Wilson photo bomber.  And I love spreading Christmas cheer loud and clear for all to hear!  I'm so grateful to my good friend Hillary who as awesome organizing skills and mapped out routes and groups for everyone.

We were so lucky to have Mark home Christmas Eve Day and Christmas day.  It was a Christmas miracle!  Christmas eve day we made and delivered Christmas bread to all our friends and neighbors.  I love me some of Grandma Judy's Christmas bread.  Best tradition ever!

Christmas Eve soup bowl left overs. Mmm they were good. :)

We had our friends the Chattertons for Christmas eve dinner and nativity and Christmas Jammies.
All my favorite Christmas eve activities.  

Christmas Morning!  
Oldest to youngest about to head downstairs. I love the bed head and missing pants.

Another Favorite tradition.  A box FULL of books from Santa.
I always loved that present the most!

Zina used up ALL her elastics from her moon loom and made me a full set of jewelery.  She worked so hard on it and I especially loved the note on the present. :)

We invited our friends the Bramwells for Christmas Day dinner of Ham, Funeral potatoes etc. And raspberry trifle and Pumpkin roll.  We love catching up with the Bramwells and watching cute little Hadley and Davey interact. :) Here's a blurry picture of all the kids, after a busy sugar filled day. :)
(seriously maybe my new years resolution should be to take better pictures!!)

We are so grateful for good friends who fill our hearts and home with love and laughter. Sometimes holidays are hard when you live far away from family, but I loved this Christmas and was so grateful for all of our blessings.  I know they all come from the tender baby who began His life in a humble manger.  We are trying our best to remember Him all year long! 

Ramblings of a Sister to a Brother.

Dear Elder Keeler. 
We are full swing into Mark's ICU month so he's working a lot of hours. My best advice to myself is to always remember that we (Mark and I) are on the same team, and to remember that he always comes back to me - the stress and exhaustion won't always be there. Oh ya and also my favorite quote of maybe all time from Richard G. Scott, "Choose to converse with your Father in Heaven often. Make time every day to share your thoughts and feelings with Him. Tell Him everything that concerns you. He is interested in the most important as well as the most mundane facets of your life. Share with Him your full range of feelings and experiences." Prayer makes a lot of hard things better.
Sure do love that hard working man of mine. :) Sorry for the cheesy. Found out this week that our 
R.S. President has a 1inch mass pushing on the main blood supply to her brain, her optical nerve (causing vision problems) and her pituitary gland. The whole ward was fasting for her this week. We never know when our trials will come. But I guess that's why we're here. The gospel of Jesus Christ sure does make those trials easier to bear. Sure do wish I could make those families in our ward who are turning their backs and searching for happiness elsewhere know that it is here! Here is the truth the way and the life. But what can one little old Primary President do? I guess love and invite as many people as possible eh? I guess that's what one little old missionary can do too. Sometimes love without judgement or self aggrandizement is hard to do.  Zina's class mates informed her that it is impossible not to swear at least once in your life... and she informed them just as vehemently (i'm sure) that it is NOT impossible. Just don't do it!! The kids were out on the tramp with big blankets looking at the cold winter sky today. Reminded me of me at that age. They are now eating cookies and icecream and writing in their journals at the kitchen table. I'm so grateful for great family memories that I can continue on with my own family. Even if Dad is crashed on the couch....was Dad ever crashed on the couch???? I can't remember.. haha. 
Love you lots. Church is true. Your the best!! We've been praying specifically for you to learn the language quickly!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Pre-Christmas in Nauvoo.

Mark had a week of vacation before Christmas so we made a quick trip to Nauvoo to spend some of the holiday with Grandma Judy.  We had a fabulous time and packed a lot of our favorite things into  a few short days!

Ha.  Mark took this during our drive there.  Some much needed sleep!
 Holiday Puzzles
 Getting ready to watch Grandma perform in "Rendezvous"

 After the show Davey climbed up on this stool and just sat there.  He didn't want to leave that stool!

 Grandma Judy had figured out where our ancestors had owned land so we drove around and took pictures in as many spots as we could.  The kids were troopers and it was cool to see more of Nauvoo then just the historic parts and think of what it would have all looked like back then.  This plot was owned by William Huntington - who is the Father of Zina D. Hungtington Jacobs Young(me and Mark's common ancestor... ya we're cool like that. :)) Mark comes through the Jacob line (her first marriage) and I come through the Young line (her 2nd marriage).

 Grandma Judy watched the kids while Mark and I did a session here.
I love to be in the temple.

 We joined Grandma on her wagon tour.  She's a great tour guide! 
 We made Christmas bread and delivered it to some of the missionaries at the sights and sang Christmas carols.  One of my favorite traditions ever!

We also made almond roca, filmed our Keeler Christmas film, made it to Grandma's Christmas performance, and played on Helen's zip-line!

Mark's 32nd Birthday

For Mark's birthday the kids planned a serious of events for him.  It was cute.  As soon as he walked in the door they escorted him upstairs where they had his comfy clothes ready for him.  Then the took him to their spa where they rubbed his feet and hand and head.. :) with lotion. Then they brought him downstairs entertained him singing, playing the piano, and violin.  It took a few tries for Zina and Wilson to make it through Mary had a Little Lamb without fighting.. :) He was a good sport and the kids were so excited.  We fed him his favorite mexican chicken tacos and oreo ice cream cake.