Sunday, January 18, 2015

Ramblings of a Sister to a Brother.

Dear Elder Keeler. 
We are full swing into Mark's ICU month so he's working a lot of hours. My best advice to myself is to always remember that we (Mark and I) are on the same team, and to remember that he always comes back to me - the stress and exhaustion won't always be there. Oh ya and also my favorite quote of maybe all time from Richard G. Scott, "Choose to converse with your Father in Heaven often. Make time every day to share your thoughts and feelings with Him. Tell Him everything that concerns you. He is interested in the most important as well as the most mundane facets of your life. Share with Him your full range of feelings and experiences." Prayer makes a lot of hard things better.
Sure do love that hard working man of mine. :) Sorry for the cheesy. Found out this week that our 
R.S. President has a 1inch mass pushing on the main blood supply to her brain, her optical nerve (causing vision problems) and her pituitary gland. The whole ward was fasting for her this week. We never know when our trials will come. But I guess that's why we're here. The gospel of Jesus Christ sure does make those trials easier to bear. Sure do wish I could make those families in our ward who are turning their backs and searching for happiness elsewhere know that it is here! Here is the truth the way and the life. But what can one little old Primary President do? I guess love and invite as many people as possible eh? I guess that's what one little old missionary can do too. Sometimes love without judgement or self aggrandizement is hard to do.  Zina's class mates informed her that it is impossible not to swear at least once in your life... and she informed them just as vehemently (i'm sure) that it is NOT impossible. Just don't do it!! The kids were out on the tramp with big blankets looking at the cold winter sky today. Reminded me of me at that age. They are now eating cookies and icecream and writing in their journals at the kitchen table. I'm so grateful for great family memories that I can continue on with my own family. Even if Dad is crashed on the couch....was Dad ever crashed on the couch???? I can't remember.. haha. 
Love you lots. Church is true. Your the best!! We've been praying specifically for you to learn the language quickly!

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