Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Thanksgiving this year was really a lot of fun. Mark had a 2 week break from school so we spent the first week enjoying the beautiful weather here at home. It was a lot of fun to just relax, make a trip to the pool everyday, go running together, etc. etc. The second week we made the long trek to Utah. Zina and Wilson did amazing. I so love my little family - even the 11hr drive was fun. We didn't even have to pull out the dvd player until the last bit of the trip. We played the abc game a lot. Have any of you played it? Mark always beats me but this trip I beat him...TWICE. :) You know, "a on kanab" , "b on breakfast" You have to get through the whole alphabet from signs or anything you see outside of your vehicle. Zina kept yelling "UDOT" the whole time because I got "d on udot" Everytime we got a new letter she would yell, "UDOT!!" It was funny. Helped get us through quite a few miles. It's quite a beautiful drive too - through a navajo reservation, passed the grand canyon, through Kanab UT and Panguitch (Zina told G. Thomas that we drove through Penguin sandwich) - there is some really different looking stuff. Once in Utah we did a lot of playing ticket to ride, eating, laughing, shopping, etc. etc. Visiting utah is starting to remind me of my childhood. There are a billion little kids running around, lots of food, lots of laughter. Only now I am one of the "aunts" instead of one of the "cousins" I like it.


Mike and Emma said...

Looks like a great trip!
Marcus, are you losing weight? You're looking scronny! Too much studying and not enough eating?

Just kidding, you look good bro!

Kellen and Erin said...

You guys know how to have fun and I love that!

Kellen and Erin said...

Oh! And we missed you guys while you were gone! We called you to see if you wanted to come to Montezuma's castle with us. Next time...

Rachel Chick said...

So fun! --- By the way, what's up with all those Thomas goatees? LOL! Funny!

Angela said...

Glad you had a fun trip. Sorry we weren't able to get together. I'll have to call you the next time I'm in AZ.

Noahr said...

We made up a variation of the ABC game for road trips. For each letter of the alphabet you alternate naming towns in Utah that start with that letter. The last person to name a town starting gets a letter. I'm afraid Mark would cream you, but maybe you two can name Idaho towns or something. I didn't say it was an exciting game, but it helps to pass the time.