Wednesday, July 29, 2009

She can swim!

I was feeling little twinges of guilt for not putting Zina in swimming lessons. I didn't do it because part of me was to lazy to take her everyday in this lovely heat and part of me felt like she was ahead of the description I read for what her age group would be learning. The next week or so she shocked me with THIS!! I had no idea she could actually swim on her own without her life jacket! All feelings of guilt were swept aside. Zina can swim! Now she loves to go to the big pool and swim all over the place. Who needs swim lessons when you've got the best teacher ever...Dad!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

December Pictures in July

These are some pictures that I just got from way back in December. They are from Luis and Angels wedding. Their photographer took them and I love them.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lazy (hot) summer days.

The Phoenix area should really do things differently. If I were in charge we would all go to school in the summer and have the fall off. All these poor kids out for summer break and all they can do is either swim, fry, or stay inside. Despite a wee bit of cabin fever we are enjoying our lazy summer. When I am swimming I LOVE the heat, when I am grocery shopping not so much. We are loving having Mark around more than normal. We've watched to many movies, read to many books and I have yet to go to bed at a decent hour. Why is that so hard? And why can Mark go to bed at 2am and still be able to get up at 6am and swim laps. He's not normal (right?)

The kids drawing on their dry erase boards.
Our garden that is burning to the ground. I think it's almost time to give it up and start again when things are cooler.
Zina and her best bud Adam going for a swim. The other day while talking to an Aunty (can't remember which one) she decided, after a lot of thought, that she would probably marry Adam, "cuz he's mine best friend"
Garden splendor. We had so many ripe tomato's arriving at the same time we had to add to the food storage.
And just some viewing pleasure of some amazingly adorable kids (Mark included).

Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 1, 2009

This post is a bit late in coming since my camera was in Guatemala and I had to get these pictures from my mom. We had a great July 1st. In Raymond July 1st is bigger than Christmas and we felt super lucky to be able to be there this year since it wasn't really planned and was a spontaneous 2 week visit! The night before Mark left for Guatemala we decided we didn't want to stay home by ourselves for 10 days and my mom offered to help with the cost of the flights so we went!
Great Grandma & Grandpa Williams at the after-parade-party. I think Grandpa's had enough.
Zina and my Dad. Grandma rushed Zina out to ride the last block of the parade with Grandpa. She loved it.
The kids loved the little ponies. The bottom picture is Zina with her second cousin Phoenix, and her third cousin Olivia.

This picture is funny because Zina ran right out to give Tigger high five only he didn't notice her right away so she was trying catch his hand for a five for a long time. It was pretty cute.
Parade Watchers! This is my cousin Phil's wife, Alaina, my little sister Attena, Sierra (Phil and Alaina's 2nd) Wilson, and me.
We love the 1st of July!!

*For all you American readers, the first of July is Canada day - which used to be called Dominion Day and celebrates when Canada became it's own country forming the Dominion of Canada with united Provinces.*
July 1st is special in Raymond because we not only celebrate Canada but we also celebrate our town!