Wednesday, July 29, 2009

She can swim!

I was feeling little twinges of guilt for not putting Zina in swimming lessons. I didn't do it because part of me was to lazy to take her everyday in this lovely heat and part of me felt like she was ahead of the description I read for what her age group would be learning. The next week or so she shocked me with THIS!! I had no idea she could actually swim on her own without her life jacket! All feelings of guilt were swept aside. Zina can swim! Now she loves to go to the big pool and swim all over the place. Who needs swim lessons when you've got the best teacher ever...Dad!


veryterry said...

This is SO exciting! Yeah Zina! Must be something about the 85 degree summer weather here that makes the building of pools scarce. We did make it out to Rigby Lake though and that was fun. Good luck surviving that Arizona heat!

Brenbren said...

I was pretty impressed with that one. Adam is still afraid, but he swims with his life jacket on, we just take it on arm stroke at a time! That was clever huh!?!

Brownies said...

What great posts since I last visited! I feel your pain with trying to beat the heat. Canada looks beautiful and that dress your sister is wearing with Zina in her arms in amazing. Where is that from? Was it your moms? Grandmothers?

munyer jerk chicken said...

amazing... how old is zina now?? funny, i just wrote a post about how my kids are so excited to get into the water after three years of alaska! i love all of your posts. i love all of your family visits and creative entertainment. i love your positive attitude about your crazy camping trip. what was mark doing in guatemala?? hugs and kisses to zina and wilson!