Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

Christmas Pictures 2009!

Hot Chocolate after some sledding fun.

Wilson LOVES the 4-wheeler. He kept asking, "Mom, can I go on the motorcycle?" And after he got his Diego Christmas present he kept taking Zina's Littlest Petshops for sled rides behind Diego's 4-wheeler.
Christmas Eve Nativity. Kate as Mary and the three boys, Wade, Lincoln and Wilson as shepherds and wisemen.
I love this picture. Cutest wiseman I ever saw. :)
Grandpa Jay reading the Christmas story.
Zina was adamant that she be an angel.
Christmas Eve pajamas from Grandma Judy. Lincoln, Wade, Zina, Piper, Kate & Wilson.
Christmas morning breakfast. Don't I look happy - just a starving hungry PREGO!
Wilson giving Zina loves after he opened up the Diego puzzle that she gave him.
Thank you Santa!

Merry Christmas Everyone and Happy New Year!


Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

Looks like lots of snowy fun. So glad that you got to spend Christmas with family. Hope you have a good New Year!

CGibb said...

Looks like you guys had a fun Christmas. You're kids are sure growing up fast. Zina made a beautiful angel. I'm pretty sure I remember wanting to be an angel all the time too.

Holly and John Maw said...

Hey there! I was just thinking of you guys, and thought I would check out your blog! Looks like you are all doing well! How exciting to be having another baby! Hope you are having a wonderuful new year! -Holly

Criscell said...

What fun you guys had over the holidays!