Sunday, December 13, 2009

Excuses + Thanksgiving '09

So these pictures are from November when my mom and Adam came. We went hiking one day and there were so many silly pictures of Uncle Adam with the kids that I had to post them. We are so excited for the adventures that he will have as a missionary in Boston Massachusetts! This trip was the last we would see him until he gets home two years from January 20th. The kids loved silly uncle Adam - because really, that's what he is silly!

We also went the Phoenix Science center. The kids have been wanting Mark to go for a long time now.
Picnic Break.
This game is so funny. It measures your brain waves (or something?). You put on headbands and then stare and the little silver ball. The ball will move away from the person who has the calmest brain waves. If you push the ball (with your brain waves) to the other persons side you win. Well, we forgot to read the instructions and we thought that Zina was beating ALL of us. I was so amazed that she was doing it. Then at the very end of the day she went up against Mark and Adam who actually read the rules and we realized that Zina was in fact losing to all of us (phew - my brain waves are calmer than my 4yr old). We still let her think she won because she was SO excited about it and SO proud of herself.
My cute mom. :)
Bed of nails anyone? While pregant? Ya, it wasn't that comfortable.

So after after my Mom and Adam flew out we headed up to Utah for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately our camera broke while we were there so I only managed to document a few of our adventures, but it's better than nothing!

Visiting the Cemetery. Zina was tracing Dylan's name with her finger and getting an alphabet lesson from her dad.

All bundled up - something that we are not used to, but he sure is cute.
Visiting the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point
And that's when my camera gave out - most of the pictures from the museum weren't clear either. So sad. How about a camera for Christmas Santa? Oh ya, I already got a computer which is my other excuse.

When we got home from Utah our computer crashed soooo, we got a new one. :) But it's still no fun posting without pictures.
Thanksgiving dinner was super yummy and we loved seeing all the family, shopping with Judy and Marilyn for 10hrs on Black Friday, watching BYU beat Utah (they did win right? Mark would kill me for that comment.. :) Cleaning up 4 bouts of throw-up (ya we forgot that Wilson gets carsick - but not for long) and playing in the little bit of snow that there was!

Happy Christmas time. :)


Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

Oh I love seeing pictures of mamma Nancy. I miss her so much. I'm so sad that your computer crashed. I thought they were indestructible. I hope you get a new camera. I can't imagine living without one.

Brenbren said...

So fun! It looked like you had a blast!

Criscell said...

What fun pics!! We love the science museum too. I STILL need to update my blog from T-giving so you've got me beat...

Alisha said...

Congrats on the pregnancy! Yep haven't checked your blog for awhile! Sorry about that! It looks like the museum was a blast and what a fun vacation as well! your kids are so cute!