Tuesday, February 23, 2010

This & That

Yesterday we went to the Dr. for a well check on both kids.
Wilson at age 2 1/2: 64% for height 50% weight
Zina at age 4 1/2: 65% height 50% weight
I guess I feed them the same things or something...

The Dr. ended up giving Wilson, who had been running a fever for a day or two, a breathing treatment. He screamed. I held the mask on. It was not fun. He won a $3 helicopter out of the whole ordeal. Today while we were snuggling on the couch he looked up at me with sick sick eyes and said, "Mama, tan I doe to duh doctor today?"
I think the helicopter strategy worked.
I cannot, however, get him to eat much of anything. I've offered everything under the sun. The reply is always the same. A very polite.
"No Thank you"
"No Thank you"
"No Thank you"

Finals week + constant fever = 1 sad Wilson.
or maybe it equals 1 sad Momma.
Either way we were super happy tonight when Wilson felt good enough
to wrestle with Papa.

So sad..or mad..or something.

This has resulted in a few slow days with little sleep, and lots of cuddling.
Zina really wanted to make cookies, but they had to be cookies we'd never made before.
We made these Chocolate Hazelnut cookies.
Don't make them.
You'll eat them all.
Or you will come home from church and find out that your husband who stayed home with your sick 2yr old ate them all.
Either way.

And since I'm trying to take more pictures of this pregnancy here is...picture #3. That is two more than my other two pregnancies. Mission completed.
This was taken at 32 weeks. Don't I look thrilled.


Jennyanne said...

You look So cute! I know that tummy very well...I feel like I Iook just like you when I'm pregnant. Straight out : ) Good Luck !!

Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

Your facial expression made me laugh. Good luck on the homestretch. Get feeling better Wilson. Oh and those cookies do look good and your right I would eat them all by myself.

Rachel Chick said...

LOL! How does anyone look thrilled having someone take a posed picture of your pregnant body??? :) You look great! Poor little Wilson -------- Poor Mama! Nobody should be allowed to be sick when you're pregnant. -- I just hope that you don't pick up anything! Good luck with your last month! You don't have much more than that. Hooray!!! I'm trying to be so very patient with this little one . . . I do and don't want to be done . . . Well. I do. I really do. It's easier to not be getting any sleep when I at least have something to show for it. Something to smile about, rather than stare at the wall while my mind goes a million different directions. :) Anywho, GOOD LUCK!!

Brian and Emily said...

You are such a cute pregnant MAMA Bec!! And those cookies do look absolutely delish! Hope you're feeling good these days, and I am kind of jealous of all the sunshine in your pictures!

Elizabeth said...

You look mad.

Criscell said...

Poor Wilson! SO sorry he's been sick. We know all about breathing treatments at our house.