Sunday, April 18, 2010

Not pregnant - Hallelujah!

I have been really amazed with my recovery with Baby Sam. I keep waiting to feel like I just had a baby, for that moment when my body shuts down because I have been trying to do to much. I think having my Mom, Attena, and J.B here for the first 5 days after I had Sam helped a ton. Anyways I am just SO happy to not be pregnant anymore. About a million times a day I think about how wonderful it feels to not be pregnant.

Yesterday was beautiful. We woke up to yummy french toast and I cleaned the house (5 loads of laundry folded and put away - which is amazing for me because I hate folding and putting it away) while Mark studied and then he did some yard work. I love love love our yard when it is freshly mowed and trimmed. Thanks honey! The kids played together and ran around and then we went to Mark's soccer game where they continued to run around and play together. After we had lunch the kids played in the sprinkler. We put it under the tramp and then played Simon Says in the water for ever. They loved it. They ran through the sprinkler tunnel and then we played dodge ball. When I was pregnant dodge ball consisted of me sitting in the camping chair and throwing the ball at them. Then I would make them go get the ball and bring it back to me. Yesterday, I actually got on the tramp and they threw it at me. They loved it and giggled and laughed - I love hearing those giggles and laughs. I love feeling good enough to really play with them.
Have I mentioned how awesome it feels to not be pregnant?

Baby Sam - oblivious to all the fun going on around him. Or maybe he was peacefully dreaming of all the fun going on around him.
For some reason it's more fun to run in the sprinkler in your clothes. :)

This day being a mom was really really fun.
Thanks Z & W for the great laughs.


Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

I'm so glad to hear that your having a great time. I can't believe you were jumping on the tramp. What a fun mom you are. We need to have another chat again. I haven't actually talked to you in forever.

Criscell said...

I already wish I wasn't pregnant--and I'm only 6 months--aagh!

Marlies said...

Your kids are sooo cute. I hope it is going well for you to have 3. I am sure you are doing an excellent job!

Emily said...

Darling little family Bec! Cute baby name too! We named our boy Peter Samuel :) I can't believe you are feeling so good. I'm happy for you, but oh so jealous. I went on a walk 2 blocks and almost had to knock on someones door to use their phone and call Larry to take me home. Blah!
He looks super darling! So fun!!!