Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sam's Story

I hardly know where to begin. Having a baby is an amazing experience and one I am so grateful to be a part of. It is a miracle. My mom, Attena, & Johnny arrived last Sunday afternoon - April 4th, Easter Sunday, General Conference & my due date! From past experience we figured they should at least wait until my due date to arrive. We are glad they did since they still had to wait 5 days for Sam's arrival. And I'm afraid waiting around with 10mth old pregnant me is not the most exciting thing. Bless them!

Thursday April 8th we went to the pool. I started having more braxton-hicks than I have ever had before. Which isn't saying much because I've never really had pre-labor so I didn't think anything of it - other than "maybe I shouldn't have worn these shorts - they're a little tight..."

The kids had a blast
Until the splashing started...I think Tena splashed Mark, but got Wilson.
So Mark splashed Attena, but got Zina...
Looks sorry doesn't he.
So after wearing my too-tight-shorts (no I don't really think that's what started it all) I started having contractions at about 1am Friday morning. Woke Mark up around 2:45, who woke Grandma up at 3:15. They filled me up a nice warm tub and helped me, and by help I mean they sat silently watching (because I don't like to be touched or talked to or hear talking while laboring) and trying to interpret that when I glance at that cup of water that means, yes hand me that drink.
They were actually a huge support and I couldn't have done it without them.

Around 5:30 we went to the hospital to sign one MILLION papers in between contractions. I thought I took care of that when I pre-registered and it was super annoying. The triage nurse said I was at a 4. I wasn't to worried because with Wilson I dilated super fast. The nurses were a little defensive when my mom told them I didn't want an I.V. or the baby monitored constantly. (you try focusing through contractions with all those things attached!) But I'm not sure they knew what to do about it or maybe there was a shift change because finally at about 7:30 a nurse came in who said she had looked up the hospital policy and I had to have both of those things. My mom said that was fine we didn't want to go against hospital policy and then the nurses didn't do it anyways?? Maybe it was because I was feeling the urge to push by then or maybe it didn't really matter after all. When the Dr. got there I was at a 9 so he broke my water and then they told me we had to get sweet baby out because his heart rate was dropping with each contraction and there was meconium in the water. So we settled down to push and Baby Sam arrived about 5 minutes later. He let us know he was just fine by wailing for the first 5 minutes of his life on earth and peeing on the weigh scale.
This labor was much more difficult than Wilson's, but I firmly believe it is SO worth it to have my babies naturally. The recovery is just so much easier. I feel great and have really been enjoying my little family of 5!


Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

Great story Bec. I loved the part about the no talking no touching part. Too true. I hope you are loving every minute with that new little guy. What a cute family!

veryterry said...

Go Becca! I'm glad you are doing well and I agree about the whole natural thing. I never knew you could ask to not be attached to all those machines. Labor sure is an amazing experience. Hope you continue to recover quickly and know that your family is lucky to have you--Super mom!

Rachel Chick said...

I'm so happy for you! He is adorable! -- Aren't some nurses odd?? You do NOT need to be monitored the whole time. So retarded. They can use their handheld do-hickies to check heart rate. Oh well. Way to go! I don't like being talked to or touched when I'm laboring either. I don't think nurses who have so many epidural patients understand that.

I'm so glad that he's here and you're all doing well! Post more pictures soon! :) -- who am I to talk?? LOL!

Rachel Chick said...

Oh yeah. And Nels and I both laughed at your pregnant picture there. :) You are so cute!! I've never seen anyone who looks more like they are carrying a watermelon than you! LOL! You stay so small everywhere else! Awesome. I also love your tight shorts comments! You're great!

Travis and Kamala Sloan said...

Yeah for you, I am so proud of you. Way to go for it going natural. We wish we could meet the little guy in person.

Bri said...

I thought it was just me that didn't want to be touched or talked to, but I think it's just getting in the zone! I'm glad it all went so quickly and you're recovery is going well! And by the way, you are the only person that should be allowed to take a picture 10 months pregnant, you look awesome!

Criscell said...

You are seriously SUPER WOMAN, Becca! I so want to have my babies naturally and then I can never stand the pain! Way to go! He is so handsome and I'm glad you're feeling so great.

Carlie and Ryan Skinner said...

congrats! I'm thinkin he looks like Wilson. You have such a cute family:)