Saturday, April 3, 2010

While waiting

At the last minute we ventured out to the Easter Pageant again this year. It was a cooler evening, but the kids were awesome and really enjoyed watching the whole thing. Zina was begging to go see the visitors center after so we obliged and got pictures with the cast. It made for a late night, but a fun one!

And this is what we do when all the "sweetness" is gone. Zina and Wilson's disagreement escalated into a kicking/wrestling/hitting/crying/wailing match so I made them sit on their couch and hold hands, give kisses, and chant, "we're best friends, we're best friends." It was pretty funny. If I wasn't so lazy I'd post the video, but in the end they forgot why they were fighting and were laughing and playing again. If only I could have the patience to remember to do this every time instead of losing my cool too. I guess I'm a work in progress.

This was Zina's last day of preschool. We have SO enjoyed doing preschool with these kids and their moms. Seriously, I never had a problem with kids and the mom's were amazing and always so prepared with fun things to do. We will miss it next year! Thanks Alicia for the great graduation party!

And last but not least...
Mark working really hard at medical school.


Rachel Chick said...

Awesome!! I love all your pictures - especially of Mark. LOL! Your kids have great smiles! I love your solution to the fighting. Awesome.

Criscell said...

It was so fun to see you at the Pageant that night. Oh, and Wilson could pull any hair cut off--he's so cute!