Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sam the Blam


Is 6mths old today.
This little boy is a dream.  
The proof?  Mark and I already had "that" conversation about having another baby.  
And the answer is yes. We'd love to.  Except it's impossible while nursing - for me.
But really that MUST be proof that this little guy is so so sweet.  
He just adores everyone he meets.  
He is still wiggly wiggly and is on the move.  
He has been army crawling everywhere for about a month now.
I have to be extra careful to keep things off the floor because he loves to gnaw on everything 
Wilson and Zina are very good sheriffs and make sure Sam doesn't eat shoes, rugs, dirty socks etc.
 He can sit up on his own with supervision.
He's got two cute little teeth on the bottom. 
He giggles when he's starting to get tired.
He is starting to screech when "talking"
He doesn't really like rice cereal, but likes bananas 
(and I can't even remember if I'm allowed to give him bananas yet - 3rd child = who cares)  
 he LOVES to sit at the big table with us.
He has brought such a sweet peacefulness into our home.  
The older two still gravitate to Sam when they are sad.  They wrap their arms around him, rest their head against his and immediately stop crying and just hug him.  
He's pretty good to put up with it for the most part. 
He loves to be rocked or bounced to sleep. 
Or snuggled and nursed to sleep. 
And I love rocking, snuggling, bouncing, nursing, kissing, loving everything about this baby boy.

Yesterday as I was rocking him I had the thought.
"I don't ever want to stop having babies - ever"
And then I remembered that I have been promised eternal increase if I keep my covenants.  
It was a beautiful moment.
Rocking my sweet baby and thinking about all the babies in my future.
Whether here or there.

I'm grateful for that moment.
Because I know that it gets harder the older they get.
And sometimes I'll just need to stop and remember.
How much I love them.


Thomas Family said...

Wow, I lucked out! Hot off the press! What a cute baby boy! I also hadn't read the last two blogs and I loved Zina's party and your camping trip. You do such a great job with this Becca. A great picture history of your family! Judy

Rachel Chick said...

Oh, Becca. I know exactly what you mean. I just can't imagine ever feeling "done" having kids. I know that we'll reach a point in probably the not-to-distant future, that we'll decided that "we're all here". :) But I can't imagine holding my last baby in my arms, knowing that I'll never get to do it again in this life. Violet is the same, such an angel baby. Seriously, I don't think the Lord makes better babies than her. :)

I'm so thankful for blogging and the opportunity that it gives me to keep up on your life. I love reading the feelings that you share. I truly feel that we are sisters at heart. Thanks for sharing.