Sunday, October 3, 2010

Camping/Grand Canyon/Flagstaff/Picture Overload

This past weekend marked the end of Mark's psychiatry rotation and the beginning of his 2hr commute to Camp Verde for his rural family practice.  We had to throw in one last camping trip and weekend get-away before real life started again.  Thursday morning we headed up to the East entrance of the Grand Canyon and set up camp at Desert View Campground.

Everything was going quite well until Mark got a headache and Wilson fell in the fire!
He tripped and fell in backwards (thank goodness).  Luckily we had just put in a really big log that protected him from the hot coals in the bottom.  Mark (who was holding Sam) leaped over, grabbed him out and starting swatting his bum/back (becuase he's supposed to be on fire right?) Of course Wilson's bawling, Sam is bawling because he is sliding down to the ground, Zina's is bawling becuase she is so scared and I'm sure that all the other campers are wondering WHAT the heck is going on.  It was dark out so it was just a bunch of wailing in the dark. :)  Anyways, turned out Wilson only got a small burn on his back.  We were very thankful for that prayer we said before we drove out of our driveway early that morning. 
And the Grand Canyon was grand!  We loved it.  We explored the whole south rim (well, upper south rim... :) and were very tired when we headed down the road to flagstaff. 
Mark woke up early (lets face neither him or I got much sleep that night) to the sound of elk right outside our tent so he got up to catch the sunrise on camera.

Yes, there were a few moments when I had to just not look.  I think I told Mark, Wilson & Zina to be careful one million times.

We spent Friday night in Flagstaff so Mark could get a good nights rest before his first rugby game.  The kids were super excited to jump in the hotel pool and it was nice to just relax after such a busy day.

I'd say this is about how we all felt. :)  Only some of us aren't quite as adorable as this. 

Mark's game wasn't until 1pm
 Thunderbird vs. NAU
So him and the kids hit the pool again while Sam and I hung out.
Love these bright eyes.

The game was HOT and we were not prepared.  The only clothes that weren't filthy were the extra warm ones we had taken which I was kind of glad for since we also didn't have sun screen. I know.  I'm such a good mom.  So all of our cheeks were sunburned but not our arms and legs!

The kids and I played tag, freeze tag, simon says, 20 questions, photo shoot and everything else we could think of while we waited for the game to be over.  Watching wasn't really an option with a 5yr old, 3yr old and 5mth old in tow. 

These two are either beating up on each other or having way to much fun together.  I prefer the latter.

And the long drive home. 
We were sunburned, tired, and happy.

I love playing with my family!


RayHome said...

Honestly, how do you produce such cute babes?

Brooke said...

Such fun pictures. The Grand Canyon looks amazing!

Rachel Chick said...

How great! i seriously love your little family. so, so, so cute.

Criscell said...

What a FUN trip you guys!! We miss it there SOOO much! You got some great shots of the Grand Canyon! Everyone told us to catch the sunrise/sunset when we were there, but alas, we were too tired... I'm so glad Wilson is ok! I bet that was scary!

Thomas Family said...

yeah, and we didn't even get any pictures of me playing rugby in my way too tight jersey and the shortest shorts I have ever worn. too bad.