Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloweenie Plus

Halloween plus gorgeous weather equals we must wash the van...
or Papa must wash the van while we play inside the van.
Like our new basketball hoop?
Thank you Grandma Judy who found this sweet hoop at a yard sale 
and thank you Mark who has a birthday this month so she could buy it for us!

Our traditional halloween festivities.  Ghost food + candle light + ghost stories =
lots of giggles, singing and fun.
Pumpkin carving!

Wilson was a huge help.  He kept stabbing his pumpkin over and over giving him "scars."

Zina drew the face on her pumpkin all by herself and then Mark cut it out for her.
Somehow I missed getting a picture of both finished pumpkins. oops.

Our Knight in Shining Armor at the ward trunk or treat.

And our little garden fairy.

And Sam was our little pirate.

Speaking of Sam he is at the "getting stuck" stage.  Can you find him?

There he is!  He is trying really hard to get to that ball in the corner.

What a sweet boy.

I love my Sam I am!

And here is the birthday present table I bought myself  3mths early.  I found it on craigslist for $100.  Then I started the sanding, painting, reupholstering, refinishing work.  And boy did I jump in water over my head.  My wonderful husband finished the job for me (a LOT of the job) and it was a learning experience for us both.  We had never refinished anything or reupholstered anything, but I am pretty happy with how it turned out. 
Thanks Mark! I love you.


RayHome said...

Your table looks awesome. Chairs look really great to. Easy to clean!!!

Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

Holy Makrel! Your table looks amazing. Great job you guys!!! Your kids are adorable as always. That little Sam is sure looking a lot like that little Wilson. I love halloween. The kids looked great. It must be so nice to be in Arizona where the kids don't have to wear their winter coats underneath their costumes.

The Lowry's said...

Nice job on the table and good find.