Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My husband called me a cheap skate...

So I paid the $5 dollars.
I hate it when ignorance costs me money.

This is a random picture from a while back.  Our ward just got a whole bunch of new people in it from a neighboring ward so I threw a "favorite things" party to get to know everyone better.   I love my calling in primary - but it makes it hard to get to know the R.S. sisters, especially new ones. Anyways, Zina and Wilson loved it.  They spent the entire night "sneaking" goodies away from the dessert table and giggling.  It was really cute.  

Some pictures of the cousins when Kate came to visit with Grandma & Grandpa Thomas.  Poor Kurty really got ran over in this one. They were playing What Time Is It Mr. Wolf.  Except they kept changing it to Grandma Wolf and now whenever we go to play that game Wilson insists on it being Grandma Wolf instead of Mr. Wolf.
Ellie is missing because she was "Grandma" Wolf. :)  Left to right: Kurt, Wilson, Bo, Kate, Zina
To bad this one is sideways.  This is a classic - Zina bossing Wilson around.
Buds. Bo & Wilson.
We babysat one night because Emily had enrichment.  The kids made their own Pizza's and had a movie party with popcorn and smoothies.  There is proof on the back couch that Jade came!!  And Grandma standing in the back rocking baby Isaac.
That Sat. we hit up the state fair.  There was a animatron dinosaur exhibition that all the kids really wanted to see.  5 & under was free so we opted to send all six kids in with one adult.  Mark was the lucky one. :)

Isaac & Sam - 6mths

These are random pictures that Mark took.
The many poses of Wilson. 
And no I didn't leave any out. 
I couldn't.
He put his pajama shirt on himself.

Sat. night we picked Aunty Liz up from the airport for a surprise visit.  We were SO SO excited!
I love having family in the same country as me!
We did a lot of relaxing at the pool

And chatting

And Aunty Liz tended while Mark and I went on a anniversary/happy birthday to me date. 
Yes, I turned a whopping 28!
And...we've been married for 6 years.
And we've been so busy that the 16th and 19th came and went in the blink of an eye.
So this might be the best documentation those special days get. 
Love you honey!
(and being 28 is great.  I thought all year that I already was 28 - it's nice to actually be how old I thought I was....)

San Francisco
Here we are beginning our 15hr drive to San Francisco.


The bay bridge
We headed up to San Fran. because Mark was attending a Osteopathic Medical Conference where he presented his research from summer 09 with Dr. Gonzalez.  They gave him a $500 stipend to pay for the trip.  So we left Sat morning early, spent Sunday, Monday, in San Fran - left Tuesday morning for LA. spent Tuesday night in Perris CA, and then drove home Wednesday afternoon.  Are we crazy?  Yes we are!
The reasons behind our madness:
1. I've never been to San Francisco
2. They paid for it.
3. Elder Keeler needed someone to pick up his bike and boxes so he wouldn't have to ship them to Canada.
4. We got to see said Elder Keeler and give him a BIG hug before he flew home....TODAY!

And I am proud to say that this trip gave us good memories instead of frustrating ones.  
Although it is probably a matter of attitude.
For instance.  We finally pulled onto the Bay Bridge to head over to San Fran at about 6:30.  
We had no idea weekend traffic could be so bad and we found ourselves saying, "Why on earth do people live here?"  Bumper to Bumper traffic with signs up ahead saying TOLL BRIDGE $5 cash only.
Well, we knew there was a toll bridge, but in our country bumpkin ignorance had no idea it was cash only.  We did not have any cash. 
So we pleaded ignorance and first-timers and tried to look really sorry.
He let us through and we haven't yet gotten a $60 ticket in the mail. Phew
There were a few stressful/hilarious moments when we were scrounging around for any cash and came up with $1.25.  
And the best was as we were inching forward as slow as molasses there came a little voice from the back seat...
"I need to go potty mama...."
"Which one Wilson?"

Fabulous.  Wilson for the record did an amazing job of holding in his "potty."
We pulled into our hotel at around 7:30.

Our trip was successful largely in part because on Sunday at church I ran into Juli ZoBell Miller from the farm down the road growing up.  She fed us dinner, gave us trip advice and played with us.  Awesome aewsome.  She told us about Bakers beach where we enjoyed a beautiful day playing in the sand and water until Zina was running away from a wave that was bigger than we all realized. She tripped fell down and starting rolling back with the water.  She wasn't submerged but it freaked us out to see her rolling back towards the ocean and not be able to get up.  Here comes my heart attack!  Mark and I were both running over to her and Mark grabbed her.  I don't think she would have rolled all the way out but it was scary.  She jumped up (soaked through and covered in sand) and said, "I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm not even cold. I'm okay, I'm not scared."

Bakers Beach

The fog is slowly lifting off the Golden Gate bridge.

After being saved from the ocean

After we changed into dry clothes we headed back over to walk across the golden gate bridge.  We didn't even get half-way before Wilson said, "I have to pee!"  But we got some good pics and had fun anyways.
This is Wilson saying, "Arr!"
San Francisco in the background.
I just loved Wilson on Mark's shoulders leaning over the bridge....
After the walk the kids were tired and hungry so we headed down to fisherman's wharf and found a cozy, warm, little restaurant that overlooked the harbor, and ate fish and chips.

Then we toured around fisherman's wharf.  Wilson was excited about this real live submarine.  We were bummed that we were to late for tours inside.

We let the kids pick out some way over-priced candy...and then headed back to the hotel to get ready for departure the next day.  
Someday Mark and I will go back without kids and enjoy so many of the things that we missed, but we really had fun seeing what we did!  
We are really great at planning things because the next days drive found us smack dab in the middle of LA rush hour.  8hrs found us finally in Perris, CA where Mark took the kids out in the parking lot for "races" after being in their car seats all day.  I may or may not have been very grouchy at this point.  Thank goodness for Mark!  They caught a lizard which the kids loved.  They were SO excited to show me.

And, drumrolll!! The main reason we even attempted this crazy trip was to see Elder Mark Keeler. Zina was so so so excited for this.  She did a lot of hugging with arms and legs wrapped around Uncle Mark.
looks good eh?
We love Uncle Marky
Racing (classic uncle Marky face)

It was definitely worth ALL 28 hrs of driving!


Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

what a long, crazy, fun trip. Thats awesome that you bumped into Juli at church. Its so nice that she fed you guys. Your kids are getting so big and cute.

veryterry said...

So glad you got your pictures up! Ahh...San Francisco. A nice place to visit. :) (meaning I would NEVER want to live there either, but it's cool to go see it every once in awhile) We have totally had the toll bridge problem before. No cash. We still haven't gotten a ticket though and it was 2 years ago. Sounds like you had a super fun trip.

Rachel Chick said...

How fun!! I'm so glad that you all had such a great trip! It really is all in the way you look at it! :) Your kids are adorable. I love your new table -- you gave me some good ideas that I might have to copy. :)

Brooke said...

I'm so glad you got to visit San Fran and that you survived the trip. You are superwoman.

Jennyanne said...

so fun to catch up through your blog. you really are superwoman. I think it's genetic. Is Mark home then?