Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thanksgiving Daily

I just watched the Mormon message "Thanksgiving Daily." Lately I have been having "thanksgiving daily" for this guy.

Seriously, I don't know if I could do this without him.  He amazes me at every turn.  In the past couple of weeks he has read "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "James & the Giant Peach", "Fairies of Beyorn",  and currently "Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone" out loud to Zina and Wilson.  When they finish the book they have a movie party for the books that have movies out.  Zina gets so excited to read whenever Mark has a spare moment.

Last night when Zina threw the biggest tantrum of her life (which also happens to be about the 2nd tantrum of her life) because she wanted to read Harry Potter after doing something (can't remember what) that lost her that privilege, he firmly but lovingly stuck with her and helped her through it.  Which is a feat.  Maybe as a female I gravitate to those same emotions too quickly, but I honestly listened in amazement as he helped her through that little episode.  Sometimes I watch him as a dad and wonder if I should take notes. :)

Zina has learned to ride her bike without training wheels because her dad is such a good teacher.  It was so fun to watch them work it out together and then see the satisfaction and joy on her face when she knew she had it.   Which was actually the first time she tried it.  She just had to practice practice after that.   We have been doing a lot of bike rides around the neighborhood lately.  So fun!

 All by herself!
 Learning about the "money" position for her pedals to be in.  So funny, Mark told her that in order to start her pedals have to be in just the right spot to push off - aka "money" position.  Yesterday I heard her shout out, "I started without being in money position!"  Complete trust in that face.
 Off they go!
 I LOVE this cheesy grin. love love love love love it.
A few casualties? Nah, I think she's just taking a rest.

I am already wondering how on earth we made it through the first two years of medical school?  How did I do this without him?  I guess I'll probably remember when that residency roll around.  But for now, we'll just enjoy and be thankful for the time we have.

And just for the record, today we remembered and I taught the kids what it meant to have freedom.  We visited the airport and talked about pilots fighting in a war and sacrificing their lives so that we could go home and ride our bikes in the sunshine.


The Lowry's said...

Such a big accomplishment to ride without training wheels. They can ride so much free'er and faster and lets me be so proud of themselves. So way to go Zina.

Rachel Chick said...

So cute!! I love when they ditch the training wheels! Also, I'd love to know how your kids handled the books. Did you think they were too old for them? Did Mark have to explain a lot of what was going on? Just wondering. I've been wanting to read some more "exciting" books to my kids and I wasn't sure if they were ready for them or not.

Bri said...

Hey Becca! I don't know if I have your right e-mail, will you e-mail me your address? (For a fun Christmas card!!) Mine is Talk to you later! Bri