Thursday, October 13, 2011

18 months

Sunday was Sam's 18mth mark.  Where has the time gone?  It is amazing how each little child brings so much to a family.  What did I ever do without my Sammy?  Sam is perceptive.  He watches and listens and understands.  He isn't super noisy but has a slew of words which is really nice when he wants to communicate.  Some of his most used words are: wawa(water), papa, mama, tank ew (thankyou), pee (please) wil wil (wilson), ca (car), guk (truck), wow wow wow (used anytime he sees any kind of vehicle, but especially large ones like construction or fire trucks), poopy, amen, and that's all I can think of right now.  He also parrots a lot of other words. Sam loves to be as big as the other two. It is so adorable to watch him toddle around and giggle and play with them.

Sam goes to sleep in his big boy bed which is the bottom bunk of the boys bunkbed and sleeps there until (depending on the night) 3 or 4 or 5am.   At which time he comes and snuggles in my bed.  The other morning I woke up and Sam covered my face in kisses.  He gives the best kisses ever.  It is really adorable.  He falls asleep every night with his "Big Canadian Trucks" board book.  It is almost time to get rid of it because it is falling apart. Sam takes it everywhere!  When I ask Sam a question he often answers, "K" or if it requires a yes response he nods his head down once.  When he is hungry and he knows dinner is ready he runs to the table and climbs up into his chair and waits for me to bring him food.  The other kids still gravitate to him when they need loves.   Even when he doesn't want to give them a hug they still want him which has always been puzzling to me.  When someone is sad he has started to pet their heads softly to help them feel better and when he wants to he gives great hugs.  But often refuses them to his crying siblings (mostly Wilson because Wils tries to force them out which results in two bawling boys).  One of my favorites about Sam is when he sings with me.  If I am singing he will sing along, if I am dancing he will dance along.  His favorite song is ABC.   It is SO cute to hear him sing the abc song and he knows it. :)  He is very good at folding his arms and bowing his head for prayers and when we have family prayers he tries to kneel like the older kids with his knees and head on the floor but always ends up laying flat on his tummy. :)  Sam loves to be outside and he loves his Papa.  Whenever he hears the skype ring he runs to the computer saying. "Papa papa papa."  Which is cute and sad at the same time, but only 9 more days until Mark gets home! Hurray!

Sam is still a climber.  He has great balance and loves to climb things.  If the back door is open he races outside to the trampoline and gets as much jumping in that he can before his siblings get there.  He went to nursery for the first time on Sunday and did great!  Although I don't really expect it to last. :)  I'm ok with that.  I love my Sam. 
I took him for his 18mth appt today.  His stats were: 
Weight 19lbs 3rd%ile
Height 31inches (I think) 10th%ile.
Yep, he's still my little peanut :)

It was kind of funny to see the differences in my two boys.  Wilson got his 4yr checkup at the same time and was in the 75th%ile for height and 50th%ile for weight.  :)

1 comment:

Rachel Chick said...

You should definitely have more kids. :) And how can we figure out a way to get together?? --- I know. I'm coming down to Utah in a couple of weeks . . . where are you again?