Saturday, November 12, 2011

Couple of things on my mind.

1. Being a single parent is hard.  I have gained a whole new appreciation for parents who carry the tremendous load of raising their children by themselves.  It is emotionally, and physically draining.  Although, I have not found it to be spiritually draining.  Probably because I have been so humbled.  Parenting, I find, is humbling by nature.  Single parenting - multiply that humbling 10 fold.  It is impossible to do this job alone.  So grateful for the knowledge that I am not alone.

2. I am so grateful for the women in my life.  My emotional needs have been met by a sweet mother who takes time to skype with me, listen and offer counsel, and a sister who is willing to skip planned parties and come gab with me until 1am instead.  Sometimes I just need to talk....a lot. Women need women. There's just no way around it. 
Zina on the 50th day of school dressed up like the 50's.
  This also happened to be 11.11.11

3. I was pretty homesick for my Canadian Remembrance Day.  I am usually homesick for the farm.  For the family and grandpa's farm.  But this day I was homesick for Canada.   For the red poppies, and "In Flanders Fields,"  For the hometown to slow down to a stop, gather together and remember with a moment of silence.
I was not just a little disappointed with Zina's school.
Remembrance day was SUCH a big deal growing up.
I'm sure it is a big deal here.  Veterans Day.  
I guess I just thought that having a school aged child would warrant....something akin to my childhood.
Since I failed to find, or make it to (since I know programs and such were happening) anything that satisfied my cravings of remembrance I bundled the kids up and hauled them to the veterans memorial at the Spanish Fork cemetery.
We talked about our freedoms and what people sacrifice and have sacrificed so that we can be free. 
I am eternally grateful that I was able to enjoy those freedoms as a child and that now my children can enjoy those freedoms.  I hope they and I always remember and not take them for granted.

3.  Only 5 more days until I get to hang out with my best friend again while enjoying the Arizona weather.   There are no words.


Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

Remembrance day is big over here but not as big as the Remembrance Sunday that follows it. That is the day that England does most of their programs. This Sunday Mardy and I were in Portsmouth and we were by the harbour at 11 am when they let off the cannons to mark the beginning of a 2 min silence and they let them off again to end it. It was such a neat experience to see people busily walking about and then everyone paused for the 2 min. Raven learned about it at school and was talking to me about it after.

How much longer does Mark need to be away from home?

Rachel Chick said...

I love you, Becca Thomas. I think you are one fabulous person. I was sad that I didn't end up getting time to call you when we were in Utah . . . how about when you come up to Canada we'll come see you. :) I hope that you have such a wonderful time with Mark! It IS hard to be a single parent (in the small way that I've gotten to taste it --- but still have a husband that is providing for us). You're incredible and I can't wait for all of you to be through with it! Good luck!