Thursday, May 10, 2012

Washington Stop

After some of Lauri's delicious spaghetti and meatballs we hit the road again for Seattle area.  We were so excited to see our old BYUI buddies!

 We spent our first night at Brian and Britni's where Mark diagnosed Brian as "sick."  Which in turn caused him to have to miss work the next day and play with us instead.  It sure is convenient to be married to an "almost" doctor. :)

It was a pretty chilly day but we took the kids on the ferry to Whidby Island....and we didn't even get off.  Yep, rode it there and then rode it back. :) The kids loved it!

We stopped for fish and chips after and then went to a nearby park/beach.

Wilson and Tesila swinging together.

Love this sweet, sensitive boy!

There were train tracks that ran right by the park. Sammy was in HEAVEN!
The Thomas & Hansen kids!
Dalia, Rockwell, Tesila, Zina, Wilson & Sam

After a quick jaunt to Fred Meyer (we felt as if we'd walked right back into the Fred Meyer in Soldotna AK!) we head over to Mat & Bri's for some oh-so-good mexican food and some reunionizing. (yep I just made that word up)
At the top Eric&Amy and on the couch Mark&Becca, Brian& Britni, Mat&Bri.
Mark lived with these guys at good old bunkhouse while we were dating and it was really fun to see everyone again.  When I think of my memories with these people in Rexburg it just makes me laugh...out loud.  Some of funnest craziest people e.v.e.r.
and yes I know "funnest" is not a word. (sorry Liz)
And we may have multiplied just a bit since college days.  
At the top - Zina & Tesila
On the couch - Carly, Parker (Eric&Amy's), Wilson, Olivia(Mat&Bri's), Dalia, Rockwell, and Hudson(Mat and Bri's.
And of course my sweet Sammy on the floor. :)

These people still know how to party.  I fell asleep putting my kids to bed but Mark stayed up until 2am with Bri, Britni, and Brian playing games.  Thanks for the great time you guys!

And then we hit the road.....again.
We spent the night in Boise and made it home Thursday night just a couple hrs before my family pulled up for Liz's graduation the next day!

1 comment:

Bri said...

It was so fun to see you!! I'm glad we were included on your longest road trip ever!!!