Tuesday, June 5, 2012

And It's Done.

Introducing you to Dr. Mark Thomas & Co.
I am proud of him (and us) for making it through the last 4 yrs.
Most of it has been beautiful.  Life is what you make of it.  :)

Can you tell Graduation day was 113 degrees.
Thank you Arizona
Now we have driven across New Mexico, Texas and most of Oklahoma.
Stopped in Tulsa for a few days to visit Mark's brother Wells & family.
But....being homeless doesn't agree with me (especially with prego hormones raging.)
I might go insane if we don't find a home fast.
We are leaving for Michigan in the wee hours of the morning and it can't come soon enough!
Wish us luck in finding a home quickly.

I can't even count the number of times Sammy has asked me, "Mom, we go home now?"
Soon Sammy. Soon!


Rachel Chick said...

Oh my! Being homeless IS tough! Good luck! You'll be there before you know it. And congrats, Mark!!! You guys are amazing. So happy for you to have reached this big milestone!

Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

Good luck with finding a place! Make sure you contact the bishop, I'm sure he would love to help!

Brooke said...

Hooray for Dr. Mark and hooray for Becca! Maybe we'll finish someday too. :)