Monday, June 18, 2012

Saturday with no packing?

Our first Saturday after unloading the moving van and we were all unpacked, cleaned, with pictures up and e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. done!! (have I mentioned my angel mother yet?) We headed straight for Lake Michigan and the beach.  South Haven is about an hour from our house and boy was it packed.  Mark kept commenting on how he felt like we were in California except that Lake Michigan is definitely a chilly fresh water lake - a BIG one!  Besides all the people it was beautiful and sandy, hot and humid and everything a beach should be.  The kids loved it and since Mark has tomorrow off we plan on heading to another beach and enjoying it without the Saturday crowds.


Attena said...

Did you censor the immodest people out of your photos? Hahahahaaaha

Charlotte, Mardy and Raven said...

haha, i just noticed what Attena said! That is hilarious. Raven doesn't pay any attention to the topless ladies at the beach but it still makes me and Mardy a little shocked. I love going to the beach, I hope you get to go there often!