Monday, August 20, 2012

Peaches. 8.17.2012

I have the best husband ever.  He just finished his last night shift and woke up at noon to watch the kids so I could go on a MARATHON grocery trip.   He asked nonchalantly over lunch if I would like it if him and the kids started on the 48lbs of peaches waiting to be bottled.  "Um, no that would be great!"
Then when I got home I found everyone slaving away in the kitchen with over half of the peaches peeled sliced and ready to be bottled!  I left all the groceries in the van and we bottled peaches until dinner time.  The kids loved it and there may have been sticky sugar and peach juice EVERYWHERE as well as a little skinny Sam bum running around naked (that may or may not have peed and pooped while running around naked). But seriously what a great way to spend the afternoon!  I love my family.  Later as we lay in bed I told Mark he was Superman.  It's true.  He is my superman and I wish that I had a picture of him and the kids working in the kitchen with every single bowl in the house being used and every ounce of counter space covered.  There are now 21 happy bottles of peaches on the storage shelves and 5 happy bags of peaches in the freezer. :)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

No pictures?

The smell of peaches means it's almost time to go back to school..