Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Life with 4

Life with 4 has been pretty fantastic and I blame it on a few things.  
1.  Our decision to home school.  We set our own schedule that can be changed at any time.
2. My two oldest kids.  Can you believe I have older children that make having more children easier?!  Zina and Wilson are such fantastic helpers.  They are getting some great practice at being parents some day!  Especially my Zina Z.  She is amazing.  I am so grateful for this kind, thoughtful, funny, smart, sassy 7 yr old.  She is a natural mother and I love her!
3. Mark's easy peasy schedule this month.  Mark has been home by 2 or 3 almost every day this month.      It has been fantastic on those "I'm going crazy" days.
4.  My recovery.  I can't believe I feel so good.  And I've been saying that for weeks!  I have felt truly humbled and so thankful that I have been able to bounce back so quickly.  I have started running again, Davey is a pro at nursing, and the other children just seem to have adapted so well.  So thankful.
5. The vocabulary/perceptiveness/low maintenance of my 2yr old.  When Sam needs something he is amazing at being able to communicate it or just go without. 

I think it must be a trick.  Heavenly Father is saying, "See you can totally do this.  There are other little spirits up here waiting to join your family!"  Either way, I am grateful for His help in doing all of this.
And albeit we are only about 4weeks post par tum.  I'm already excited for those other little spirits.
(shh - don't tell Mark he might faint on the spot.)  

And some pictures of everyday life around here.

Zina's Pumpkin Poem she wrote for school.  
This is the 2nd draft. (and I'm pretty sure Wilson took this picture.  Thanks Wilson!)

Love this sweet addition.
I was trying to capture his long blond eyelashes.

Apple picking at play group.

Mark spent about 15-20 hours cleaning the leaves off our lawn.  We have a lot of lawn and some BIG trees (not to mention the neighbors tree's too!)

I love his wings. :)
Zina learning to sew.  (She had been begging me for weeks)

Such good helpers!  
Fall means a lot of work around here!

8yr Anniversary/ 30th Birthday

My/Our Birthday Anniversary Weekend came and went in October.  Things were a little crazy with a 2 week old baby but we still managed to celebrate a little bit. :)  Well, celebrate Mark and Becca style which is pretty laid back and just the way we like things.
So grateful for this guy.
  I am so SO grateful for the Spirit telling me that this was "HIM."  
That guy I'd been dreaming about for years.  The one I used to pray for in High School. (Did anyone else do that?  Pray for their future spouse? or am I just weird?)  This guy has exceeded my expectations in every possible way.  I can confidently say that real life is much better than my dreams ever were.
And life is good. So good.

8 Years!
Our Anniversary landed on a Wed. and Mark had to be at work early in the morning so we just put the kids to bed and had a cozy little date at home.  Where I totally rocked him in ticket to ride. :)  
(for first time ever I think)

Ok so the kids were only sometimes in bed.  We had a few visitors.  But by the time our date "ended" they were all snoring. :)

Mark was so proud of his photography skills.  I have about 20 photos of me and the roses he brought home because he was trying to get the perfect picture.
wait for it.
He thinks he's so smart figuring out how to change the focus and get he picture he wanted in about 5 minutes.  He probably knows more about my camera now than I do.  Although i was patiently coaching him through the whole painful process.

My birthday landed on the Friday after our anniversary so we dropped the 3 oldest off at a friends house and went out for some birthday shopping.  Mark helped me pick out some super cute boots for my birthday. (I think it's the 1st time he's been in a mall in 2yrs)  and then we stopped at Sweetwater Donut Mill and picked out a dozen donuts.
Yep.  We took 1 bite of each donut.  Then I told Mark, "I think I'm going to vomit."  He replied, "me too, let's vomit together."  It was really romantic.  Trust me. 

But they were yummy.
And now I'm 30.  
And I'm pretty ok with that.  I am so grateful for all that I have been blessed with.  I can only imagine the blessings that the next 30 years will bring! 

BYU vs Notre Dame

We live about 1 1/2hrs from South Bend Indiana.  So when BYU was scheduled to play Notre Dame  how could Mark not go?!

After 2 wet and cold soccer games Sat. morning Mark and Wilson bundled up (prayed for no rain in South Bend) and set off to cheer for BYU!

Mark found tickets off Craigslist from some other BYU fans that were headed for the game, but he said next time he will try the scalpers because there were tons and tickets were going for really cheap!

At the beginning of the game Wilson had a bit of secondary embarrassment for his Dad.  Every time Mark would cheer Wilson would laugh and say. "You're funny!"
But by the end of the game Wilson was standing up on his chair cheering just as load as his Dad.  
He had a GREAT time and came home feeling extra special from his BYU date with Dad.

I love this grin!!

Mark was really impressed with Notre Dame fans.  He said for the most part they were super nice and respectful.  Everyone kept welcoming them to Notre Dame and saying good luck and things like that.
Hmm, maybe BYU fans could take some tips!
Just Say'n.
Can you see touchdown Jesus?  He is painted onto the building behind the stadium.  His arms are up and it looks like He is signaling touchdown so everyone at Notre Dame has dubbed Him the Touchdown God.  Wilson thought that was pretty funny!

I am so glad Mark and Wilson made this trip.  I'm grateful for Mark and that he is willing to take his 5yr old and do such fun things with him.  Such great memories!!


The Friday evening before Grandma and Tena's flight we drove them back to Chicago.  Since it was our first time in the windy city we made a quick stop at Navy Pier for some dinner and sight seeing.  

Some pretty cool sand art made by Tibetan Monks.

I think my favorite part was the Chicago skyline at night.  

It was pretty cold but I think my 10day old infant was warm.
I love my wrap.  And that's an understatement.

We love you Grandma and Tena.  
Thanks for treating us to such a fun night in Chicago.
Come back soon!