Monday, October 15, 2012

Little Davey Jay

I have been waiting for the perfect peaceful evening to write this post and reminisce about the experience of bringing another baby into the world - but all my peaceful evenings thus far have found me very ready to fall into bed and sleep the night away which of course never happens with a newborn. :)
But you know what.  I am so happy to give away every single good nights sleep for these beautiful children.  They are worth every single waking moment. 
Oct. 3rd, 2012  9mths Pregnant.

Wed. Oct 3rd.  I had just spend ALL night awake and breathing through contractions.  One every 2minutes lasting 1minute and longer.  Mark thought for sure we were headed to the hospital but I wasn't feeling it.  Ha Ha.  But really - they just didn't hurt enough.   At 4:30am they stopped and I fell exhausted into bed.  The next day I tried to take it easy and take a nap (with 3 other kids running around!)  I had a Dr. appt and told them NOT to check me.  I didn't want this baby to come before Grandma & Tena got there in the evening of the 4th and I thought checking me would provoke things.  I had a few contractions through out the day and was just hoping for a good nights rest because I was thoroughly exhausted. 

Unfortunately as soon as evening began to approach contractions started again and this time they didn't let up.  I also started bleeding just after dinner which scared me because of my resolved placenta previa.   My midwife wasn't to concerned though so I tried not to think about it.  It was hard for me to decide when to head into the hospital because while the contractions hurt they were totally manageable and I thought for sure they would send me home.  At 2am we called my friend Mandie who came right over to sleep at our house and watch our other kids.  Bless her!!  I've never had a baby when my mom and Attena weren't here to watch the kids.  I am so grateful for willing friends!
2:40ish am found us at the hospital and the triage nurse said I was between a 4 and a 5.  Plus with all my bleeding they were definitely keeping me.  I was relieved at this point with or without Grandma here I was so tired I just wanted to have a baby!   My triage nurse recommended an I.V. because I was bleeding but my midwife, once again, wasn't concerned at all.  I LOVED her!  I climbed right into the birthing tub, Mark turned on some peaceful music and I was good to go.  Except that the baby wasn't good to go.   The tub was so relaxing and I found my contractions once again completely manageable.  I was actually falling asleep in between contractions I was so tired and I was getting super frustrated that things weren't happening faster.  I wanted those contractions to hurt bad dang it!  My midwife suggested I get out and walk around a bit so that's what we did - she did check me and I was at a 7 - good news right!  Out of the tub the contractions hurt WAY worse - I walked around and then climbed back in - it felt so good (love the birthing tub).  But after awhile I started getting frustrated again.  I tried the birthing ball out of the tub for a while and then my midwife checked me again.  Still a 7!!  But out of the tub the contractions were getting worse and worse.  My midwife suggested I climb back in - I think she could tell we were getting closer - I was just so exhausted I practically ran back to the tub.  Enter transition phase.  These contractions hurt bad and I was so so so tired.  It was 4 or 5am and the 2nd night of no sleep.  I remember praying and telling God I needed help - to just please give me strength and help the baby come out.  I told God I would even name the baby whatever he wanted me to (another story).  Then I started worrying about the baby and telling God that I was willing to do whatever it took to get the baby out safely.  At that point something within me rallied and I really was willing to endure whatever pain it took to help this little baby enter the world.  I remember groaning and thinking that the Savior groaned beneath his load and that his pain hurt way worse than this. :)  But this was pretty bad.  My other boys were out in 3hrs and 5hrs so I was not used to 2 nights of labor exhaustion.  Finally at 5:49 baby #4 was born in about 2 pushes that lasted about 5minutes.  My midwife indicated that he was there in the water and I pulled him up out of the water.  It was like delivering my own baby!  My midwife quickly unraveled the cord that was around his neck twice commenting that that was probably why the labor had taken so long - he had just stayed up high instead of descending because of the cord.  I laid him on my chest and said I would feel better if he made some noise so my midwife rubbed his back and he let out a cry.  They just left him there on my chest while the water drained with a towel tucked around him.  I started to talk to him and he stared right up at me and I knew that he recognized my voice.  I was so grateful that my baby was here.  With Sammy I felt exhilarated that I had accomplished giving birth - I felt I could do anything!  With Davey I just wanted to hold him and sob because it was finally over.  I was beyond exhaustion.
Thank goodness for the birthing tub because after 3 other kids and lots of stitches I only had 1!!
My recovery has been fantastic.

Momma and David Jay Thomas

Mark and I had separate experiences where we felt that his name should be David Jay.  Mark's during residency orientation and me during our session in the Detroit temple.  It has taken me awhile to get used to it, but after he was born - even though I wasn't sold on the name (I'm pretty stubborn sometimes)  I felt like we couldn't possibly name him anything else.  And I love to hear Sammy say, "Hi witto Davey Jay!"

Lots of love from his oldest two siblings.

My 3! boys. 

Grandma and Tena flew in the day he was born. (just 13hrs late!)
And Aunty Liz flew in the next day.  (with a bad cold hence the mask)
  Such a great weekend surrounded by the women in my family, my new baby, general conference and Canadian Thanksgiving.  
I have so much to be grateful for!

At the hospital Sammy ran over to my bed and said, "Is that witto Davey Jay?!"
When I said, "yes."  He just walked away and said, "oh".
Not impressed.  
Then he wanted to send him back.
A couple days later he decided he liked him.
Then he decided he loved him.
baby steps. :)

My FOUR kids!  
Zina was relieved that Davey stuck with our "boy mold" of blond hair and blue eyes :)
All the nurses couldn't get over his hair.

So happy to be home with my little/big family!


Rachel Chick said...

Oh my goodness!!!! Congratulations! I've been thinking about you and I am beyond excited for you all. What a darling little boy he is and I love all his blonde hair! I love babies with lots of crazy blonde hair. Way to go, Becca. You are amazing and it sounds like your midwife was incredible. Thank the Heavens for strong, calm women in this world.

Sending lots of love your way! Good luck!

Bri said...

I'm so glad he's here safely and that you made it through that long labor! He is a beautiful baby and I too LOVE that hair!! Who would have thought you'd have this family full of boys?!? What a cute family!! Congratulations!!

jeremy and steph said...

So excited for you guys!!! He is beautiful! And what a looong, hard story..but 1 stitch, that is pretty awesome :) Hope you guys are doing well! Zina looks so so happy and proud!
What a cute family!!!

Brenbren said...

hhhmmmm, totally prefer my labor over yours;) Sounds exhausting and painful, but lets be honest, it's always painful. So cute and looks just like a Thomas.

Brooke said...

He is so cute! Congratulations to all of you. He looks like a Thomas for sure. And Zina, Wilson, and Sam are all looking so big!