Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Life with 4

Life with 4 has been pretty fantastic and I blame it on a few things.  
1.  Our decision to home school.  We set our own schedule that can be changed at any time.
2. My two oldest kids.  Can you believe I have older children that make having more children easier?!  Zina and Wilson are such fantastic helpers.  They are getting some great practice at being parents some day!  Especially my Zina Z.  She is amazing.  I am so grateful for this kind, thoughtful, funny, smart, sassy 7 yr old.  She is a natural mother and I love her!
3. Mark's easy peasy schedule this month.  Mark has been home by 2 or 3 almost every day this month.      It has been fantastic on those "I'm going crazy" days.
4.  My recovery.  I can't believe I feel so good.  And I've been saying that for weeks!  I have felt truly humbled and so thankful that I have been able to bounce back so quickly.  I have started running again, Davey is a pro at nursing, and the other children just seem to have adapted so well.  So thankful.
5. The vocabulary/perceptiveness/low maintenance of my 2yr old.  When Sam needs something he is amazing at being able to communicate it or just go without. 

I think it must be a trick.  Heavenly Father is saying, "See you can totally do this.  There are other little spirits up here waiting to join your family!"  Either way, I am grateful for His help in doing all of this.
And albeit we are only about 4weeks post par tum.  I'm already excited for those other little spirits.
(shh - don't tell Mark he might faint on the spot.)  

And some pictures of everyday life around here.

Zina's Pumpkin Poem she wrote for school.  
This is the 2nd draft. (and I'm pretty sure Wilson took this picture.  Thanks Wilson!)

Love this sweet addition.
I was trying to capture his long blond eyelashes.

Apple picking at play group.

Mark spent about 15-20 hours cleaning the leaves off our lawn.  We have a lot of lawn and some BIG trees (not to mention the neighbors tree's too!)

I love his wings. :)
Zina learning to sew.  (She had been begging me for weeks)

Such good helpers!  
Fall means a lot of work around here!


Brooke said...

I'm still amazed at all the activities you are doing with a 4 week old. And you're even posting about them! I'm so impressed. You rock. And baby Dave is so cute. His reddish hair is awesome.

Rachel Chick said...

So many great updates!!! All your pictures are so cute. I just love you kids and I'm so glad that things are going well. Have you thought more about moving to Sandpoint?! :) Just sayin'. :) Also, about Yumprint. I couldn't figure out how to look for you either, I asked them and they said that they are in the process of adding a whole new friend page, where all of that will be super easy, but in the meantime, I *think* I found and added you as a friend from the main page. Let me know if it worked! :) Good luck! It's been a lifesaver for me!