Saturday, December 27, 2014

More Indiana Fall

Fall in Indiana is so fun.  I get really annoyed that my kids are in school during the best season.  We try to spend as much time outside as possible when they are home.

Our favorite Park, Southeastway, with friends.

 So much imagination.  Hillary and I pretty much just followed them around the park all afternoon.

 I met up with my Visiting teachers at the apple orchard one morning.

 Sammy getting creative with his lunch. :)

 Early morning scriputres.  Zina, Wilson and I wake up at 6:30 to read scriptures before the school day starts.  Sometimes Davey wakes up also...which doesn't always help the scripture reading....
 Fall runs and bike rides around the neighborhood are the best!
 I got to go with Wilsons 1st grade class to the Apple Orchard.  
I loved the one on one time with him.  He is such an awesome boy!

Our Elders Quorum had an Indians Baseball Game activity at Victory Field.  Mark took Zina and Wilson and they had a blast in downtown Indy.

 Canal walk!

He even slept out on the tramp with them.  CRAZIES!

 And more of our huge beets that we pickled!

Halloween '14

This year for Halloween we had a tiger (who changed into Peter Pan for our ward party), Cleopatra and a Black and White Ninja.  I wish I had taken more pictures at the ward party, but I was in charge of it and wasn't thinking of taking pictures.  Mark went as a punk rocker and looked hilarious and I didn't get a single picture!  I had multiple people come tell me that they didn't know who he was for the longest time!  His fake tattoos, black skinny jeans (mine!), and black wig were very convincing! :) We sure had a great time though and the weather was absolutely perfect.  It must have been all the prayers I said for our outdoor party! :) Because actual Halloween was FREEZING!  We had 3 families over on actual Halloween for hot soup and rolls and then trick or treating around our neighborhood.  I need to be better at taking pictures!

 There were a lot of Ninjas at our house on Halloween!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Turkey Run State Park Camping Trip

Back in September we pulled the kids out of school so we could do some family camping.  We checked out Turkey Run State Park and it did not disappoint. We had a fabulous time!  What a beautiful world we live in!