Sunday, March 23, 2008


So this might be an overload of pictures but I have decided to start treating this blog like a family journal/scrapbook to document our lives and I have a lot of catching up to do!! Also in Sunday school we learned that this generation is going to be the least documented because most things are done on the computer and then deleted so I would like to find a way to get hard copies of our blog...any ideas? Well here goes the last couple of days.

Here we just leaving for church on Easter Sunday. It's not very often we are all ready with time to spare for a picture - but here it is!

Easter Dinner
For some reason today had me thinking a lot about last easter spent in Alaska. I love Easter because of the sweet spirit that comes when we celebrate the birth and life of the Savior. Whether we are with family or thousands of miles away without family but surrounded by friends that sweet spirit is always there because He Lives!


Angela said...

It's so fun to see pictures of your family! Tell them all I said hi. It looks like you had an amazing Easter.

Angela said...

Oh, and my sister Nancy had her blog printed into a book, but you'll have to ask her the details. Her blog's linked on mine.

Theradlife said...

Nice Easter pics guys. You family is for sure too cute. Miss you guys