Friday, July 11, 2008

Wall Lake


Last weekend we headed back up to Waterton for some hiking.  We ate lunch at Cameron Lake and then headed up to Wall.  Wall lake is one of my favorite hikes.  It is absolutely breathtaking when you reach the lake and it is a fun day hike. 


And yes, we hauled both kids all the way there and all they way back. We are crazy.  7.4 miles later we were wondering if we should invest in some kiddo backpacks. Go figure.


veryterry said...

The answer is YES! Get a Kelty backpack. It is pretty expensive, but it's way worth it. I can still carry Lisa for quite a while without feeling it too bad on my back. Wall Lake looks very beautiful. Wish we could be near by to do stuff like this with you!

Mike and Emma said...

Man, I love Wall Lake! Did you see any wildlife on the way up? Last time I was there I saw a moose and a black bear, it was awesome!
Becca, I never realized how much you and Liz look alike. That pic of her holding Wilson, you two could seriously pass as twins.
You guys should hit Waterton hard this summer, cause the next 4 years in Phoenix will have absolutely nothing comparable.
Man I love that place...

It was good to see you guys too, and your kids are freakin' cute. Hit us up when you come through Utah. We can have you guys over for a BBQ or something fun...