Monday, July 28, 2008

How Could I forget?

Goodness.  I've forgotten or maybe been to lazy or to busy making it all happen to post about Mark's adventures this past week and my own in about 2 weeks.  Mark finished work here last week and headed down to Rexburg where he loaded all our stuff up and moved it to Glendale AZ.  Yep, it's true.  We are officially moved to Arizona - except our personal selves so maybe only sort of officially. Here's a shout out to Kellen, Erin, Briggs, & Alyssa for letting us in on the moving expedition.  It made it so much easier on Mark.  After moving Mark flew to Utah on Sat. and then this morning he flew to (drum roll please) PANAMA!  He has been dreaming about this day since he came home the first time.  He called a couple of hours ago to let me know he was there and he sounded pretty excited.  He was met at the airport by a good Panamanian friend Luis Prado and his MTC companion, Nate,  was flying in a few hours later.  I think that Nate and Mark will be having a LOT of fun for the next 3 weeks.  I am flying out for 5 days at the end of Mark's three weeks.  I'm hoping for some sandy beaches, some sweet mangos, coconuts, and avocados!  Oh ya, and it will be nice to see my sweetheart again. :)  

A little taste of Panama.
In a few weeks I'll post some of my own pics. 
Our apartment complex in Glendale.  
Hopefully for only 6 months.  We'd really like to buy a house once we get down there.  Everyone cross your fingers for us. :)

1 comment:

munyer jerk chicken said...

mangoes, coconuts and avocados... it doesn't get any better. oh yeah, and add the sandy beaches. you lucky girl! take lots of pictures, o.k.? and have a grand time.