Friday, September 12, 2008

New family pictures

This is one of the things that we did while in Utah.  Our photographer, Jami Broadbent, was amazing.  We were doing a huge photoshoot with all of Marks family and it was actually a lot of fun.

Here is the Thomas Clan - minus Brett & Tyson who will be photoshopped in...
There is really starting to be a lot of us!


RayHome said...

You are right, great shots of everyone!!!

Kellen and Erin said...

These pictures are beautiful!

Brownies said...

Becca, you are so preatty! (and for sure your family is too). I am so happy to hear you are LOVING THE HEAT like US! We have had many days of swimming twice, and I'll tell ya, it's amazing what 93 degrees feels like after weeks of 113. I think its cool now! I aclimated fast! Well, let us know if we can ever meet up we aren't too far. Best to Mark and school!

veryterry said...

Did you get your haircut recently or have I just been totally unobservant? It looks so nice. I am amazed with all the kids in that family photo that not one of them is crying or squirming around. Quite the accomplishment. Oh, and I can't beleive how blonde Zina's hair has gotten. It's very cute.

Angela said...

Great pictures! I actually met your brother in law Wells at Brian's high school reunion.

Alisha said...

I love your hair! It's amazing! Your trip looked like some much fun! It almost gives me enough courage to go to Brazil with Anthony likes he want me to. Your pictures are also amazing! I could stand a little warm Arizona weather right now but there's no place quite like Rexburg, Idaho!